Itâs an interesting project well worth your time just to see what these fantastic machines can really do.You can also create mini topographies in your 3D printer, and then turn them into cute objects for home or office! You can even find all-in-one pieces if you are planning a camping trip! The feeling of life is great no matter the scale, and I think that a shovel like this has the potential to bring a lot of happiness in a person’s heart.Savings, savings and a lot more savings! Stumped for 3D printing ideas? We pomise.) Record your own special messages to loved ones and send out the love!Now things are getting complicated! This idea makes for one of the cool things to 3D print as gifts!A fun toy and a great example of what you can print with a 3D printer that goes outside the norm, these little chassis are fun to play with and uber-simple to make. To address the housing issue around the world, companies have been using this technology to print emergency shelters and 3D printed homes. Reserved. I know I would.I did a bit of photography in the past so I know how easy it can be to misplace your SD cards. There are cool 3D prints out there that donât allow you to skip the traditional clay pots. My favorite was “The Phantom Menace” and my favorite scene was the fight between Darth Maul, Obi-One and Qui-Gon. Sadly, I started to save money a bit late and I am slowly recovering what I’ve spent throughout these years. Whatever I find online, I think that it’s either too old school or it’s not suitable for my tastes. Now with this adorable 3D printed SD card holder, you can organize your cards without worrying about your next photo-shoot.We all need coasters. This 3D printer project can help you produce invitations, cards or any other manner of drawings.Topping our list of cool things to 3D print, an old-style orrery not only looks awesome but gives accurate representations of the current positions of planets and moons in our solar system. Savor the wayback-playback of rocking out on a whistle, just like your grade school days.Definitely among the most interesting and cool things to 3D print in this list (and showcasing a bit more complexity than other entries), the dragonfly is a tiny little flying machine you can whip up in a short time. So, what can you make with a 3D printer? You can now print a variety of shoes of every shape and color that can bring the right vibe to the right party.Say NO to hording! Although I can’t say that I have any regrets, I am thinking what would’ve happened if I had this piggy bank during my teen years.I can imagine this hive of hexa boxes in a gamer’s life. We have 67 3D printer designs for you to try! Added bonus: Hedwig greets you every time you come back to reading!A truly inspiring 3D printing idea, these pop-out business cards allow you to speak to clients in a way they wonât have experienced many times (if ever) before! © 2020 Ideaform Inc., All Rights )3D printing isnât all gimmicks and fun toys: there are very real applications for this technology in the health industry, and they are swiftly becoming the best things to 3D print. Hinges are always useful, and come in handy all over the house. In our 3D print list above, projects like the keychain, hinge, handles, bookmarks, smartphone stand, and whistles are some of the cool things to 3D print in less than an hour. Simply, 3D print your own holder and you won’t have any more problems with it.Do you enjoy reading before bedtime? Check out our July 2020 list of cool things to 3D print which are actually useful. Designed with larger books in mind, this tool is delightfully useful.Another one of the cool things to 3D print is this awesome tool. With this technology, companies and cities can build a community in a much shorter amount of time and for a cost cheaper than traditional home building methods. Worry not! Or even a 3D map for tabletop strategy gaming! However, the two are quite different. Explore 150 3D printing ideas for home, kitchen, study, play, office, activities, fashion, bathroom, and school.