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The uncommonly beautiful final recordings by Malian guitar pioneer Ali Farka Touré find him once again joined by Toumani Diabaté. Data Correct The bluesy, mesmerising music on this magnificent recording is a fitting memorial to the late Malian guitarist and should be a strong contender for 'World Music' album of 2010. Thank you. While all information listed here corresponds with my copy, there is no indication that mine is a promotional copy and I certainly bought it. Ali and Toumani … They brilliantly display their telepathic sympathy during on-the-spot improvisation "Fantasy", which finds Touré creating a series of anchoring phrases for Diabaté to leap off. The uncommonly beautiful final recordings by Malian guitar pioneer Ali Farka Touré find him once again joined by Toumani Diabaté.Ali Farka Touré died in 2006. Ali Farka Touré died in 2006. Due to the international success of In the Heart of the Moon, Mandé lineage griot Toumani Diabaté wanted to make a follow-up with fellow Malaian, the legendary guitarist Ali Farka Touré. Ali and Toumani.

The first record had been cut in Niafunke, Touré ’s home village in the north of Mali, Diabaté contacted World Circuit's Nick Gold about doing the follow-up in London, where the pair was due to play a couple of concerts. On "Samba Geladio", you can begin to hear the ways in which Touré's music was a cousin of (but not derived from nor a direct source for) the blues as he pulls some ferocious phrases from his acoustic guitar.Gold and engineer Jerry Boys captured these sessions with uncompromising intimacy-- if you turn it up you can hear the creak of chairs and even a cough. 'Ali & Toumani', produced by Nick Gold was recorded at London's Livingston studios during the same year and also features the subtle Cuban bassist Orlando 'Cachaito' Lopez. The album was released after Touré's death in 2006. He's perfectly comfortable playing traditional songs that stretch back centuries or sitting in on a Björk album, and to hear him play with Touré is a treat. Ali and Toumani is a 2010 record by Malian musicians Ali Farka Touré on the guitar and providing vocals and Toumani Diabaté on the kora. Care to comment? They are joined here and there by guest musicians, including Touré's son, Vieux, and legendary Cuban double bassist Orlando "Cachaíto" López (this is also his final recording), but the focus is on the interplay between the two principles. You get the feel of two of the world's greatest musicians in a room together, having a conversation and creating a document that will carry their legacy into the future. In fact, his playing on opener "Ruby"-- named by Touré for producer Nick Gold's young daughter-- is so supple and intuitive that he sounds like a much younger man as Diabaté joins him, surrounding his hypnotic figures with fluid runs on the kora. He lived a long and productive life, giving a great deal of marvelous recorded music to the world, seeking ways to bridge the regional musical traditions of his homeland, Mali, and developing a guitar style all his own. He recorded only a few times in the final years of his life, having retired to become the mayor of his hometown, Niafunké-- he used his own money to improve the roads and sewage system, and fueled the town's generator as well. Recorded over three afternoons at London's Livingston Studios in 2005, with contributions from the late Ali And Toumani These two men, so different in age and background, nonetheless seem to inhabit the same mind for the length of the sessions. First time round, the two men were improvising in a makeshift facility in Bamako, Mali. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2010 CD release of Ali And Toumani on Discogs. Anyone can approach it easily, and it is the perfect initiation to Touré's talents for listeners who haven't yet heard him. Ali and Toumani doesn't pick up quite where In the Heart of the Moon left off. It is not challenging music.