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Jaguar wanted to do that to reveal that Mr. Satan is a fraud, so he sets up a fake tournament. This mindlessness, coupled with the clone's retention of his source material's extreme levels of mental instability and rage, results in the clone being akin to a ravenous Bio-Broly's lineage can be traced back several films, to the events of Bio-Broly's physical form is not set, and so he begins to deformTrunks and Goten prepare to destroy Bio-Broly before he can be fully developed, but the clone simply catching sight of Goten is enough to awaken both the Saiyan instincts and the personal vendetta of his source material. After the death of the original Broly at the hands of Goku, Gohan and Goten, a exiled priest named Maloja found a sample of Broly's blood. r/DBZDokkanBattle.

log in sign up. Archived. 1884. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Card - Vengeful MonsterDragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Card - The Return of The DemonDragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Character Art - Vengeful MonsterDragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Character Art - The Return of the DemonDragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Character Art - UnreleasedSuper Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Card SH7-21Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Card SH7-BCP12Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Face IconSuper Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Face Icon (Giant)Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Character Sticker - Bio-Broly 1Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Character Sticker - Bio-Broly 2Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Character Sticker - Bio-Broly 3Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission - Character Sticker - Giant Bio-BrolyTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

As Bio-Broly is a clone, he lacked Broly's battle experience and thus based fights on instinct and is effectively a mindless monster bent solely on following its destructive impulses, including his source materials deep-seeded hatred of Goku. Wikis. Bio-Broly (バイオブロリー) is a mutated clone of Broly that appears as an antagonist in the Dragon Ball Series.
Unlike his progenitor, Bio-Broly is little more than a mindless beast - the only thing retained being his hatred of Kakarot. During the Broly Saga and the Reborn Broly Saga, trios of Bio-Brolys appear as enemies.

FANDOM. New User. 1 year ago. In his syrupy form also makes Bio-Broly's body malleable, but greatly weakens him compared to his non-Culture Fluid covered Legendary Super Saiyan form. ". *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Trunks and Goten try to destroy the clone before he is released, but Bio-Broly escapes and is soon mutated by a mysterious liquid. When he powers up, the red areas turn green, and when he takes on a Giant Form his overall color changes to become more purple. Bio-Broly has an incredibly high power level, though it's stated that his power level is significantly weaker than the original Broly. Le retour du démon Bio Broly Niveau max Rareté Type Coût 120 30 Encyclopédie Broly (Encyclopédie) 32928230 8230 30327580 7580 18144535 4535 Rang B TEC 9430 10990 8780 10820 5735 7535 Arbre 100% Nombre requis x4310 x2470 x223 Ki+1, ATT et DÉF+50% pour le …

Bio-Broly shatters his stasis cell by Bio-Broly proceeds to rampage about the facility, destroying numerous stasis cells and exposing mounds of corrosive culture fluid to spill throughout the laboratory, drowning many scientists in the fluid, some of which begin escaping to the populated island below.

Bio-Broly is even more mindless and rage-filled than his original counterpart. Though Lord Jaguar had his scientists create Broly to be the ultimate Bio-Warrior, he later found out he was uncontrollable as he refused to follow Lord Jaguar's orders, thus, he is essentially a killing machine similar to the original Broly in Soon after awakening, Bio-Broly's power shattered the Interestingly, Bio-Broly is one of the few movie villains who does not follow the trend of being stronger than the antagonist of the previous film (as most villains up to that point, at least among those who fought Goku, had been stronger according to Legendary Super Saiyan Bio-Broly with a physical formAs Broly's clone, Bio-Broly has access to all of his source material's abilities, including the Legendary Super Saiyan Bio-Broly in his syrupy form approaching a cornered Trunks.In his syrupy form, Broly is still in the Legendary Super Saiyan form, but his appearance changes; aside from his body appearing as brown/dark green liquid, it changes his eye color to red that occasionally pulsates like a heart, gives him a red section on his chest, and flattens his hair.
Awakening Medals Recruit Cards Release Date 14 Dec 2018 1 Feb 2019 Weakness No Weakness Increased Drop Movie Heroes No Tactics available With the "Tournament of Power" at an end, peace reigned on Earth once more. 1130.

Posted by. In order to reach even greater heights, Goku and Vegeta continued their endless days of training. Bio-Broly can take on a Giant Form by absorbing more Culture Fluid into himself. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia. 1/80: TEQ Type ATK +50% when HP is 50% or above: Bio-Hyper Beam - Causes extreme damage to …

Bio-Broly Rarity Type ID 11124 How to Obtain This character is unreleased, you can only fight it as a boss Alternate Character Vengeful Monster Bio-Broly The Return of The Demon Bio-Broly Event Close. Despite lacking these features, the clone managed to retain Broly's recklessness, lack of compassion, abnormal strength, and apparent invulnerability to attacks. If you don't have the TUR version, then yes LR Black and SSJ3 Broly would overall be a better match.

It's unknown how he would have turned out if he hadn't been mutated and deformed, but one may only assume he may not be any different from the original Broly. Upon powering up, the red parts of Bio-Broly become green. 3,871 Pages.