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Although it has been many years since my first real love and hurt I still remember and think about him. Festivals et sortie. It was written and directed by Jakob M. Erwa. Assista Também. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

Since Nicholas would not commit to telling Phil that he loved him, in my mind Nicholas was a 'player' and used relationship as a means of gratifying his super ego without restricting his future conquests! LOL It is a film about empathy, real true empathy and feeling the pain and love and desire and vulnerability of that time again. This film is incredible, but be warned, you should prepare yourself for a very intense experience - this is not lighthearted (but not tragic). In the confrontation, Nick tells him that he needs both of them in his life, yet we have no indication that they even met (Kat) prior to Phils 'discovery!' I do have to say though as we were getting to the finish, I found myself getting annoyed with the lead character Paul. I can honestly say that I will watch this film again, and truly recommend it to anyone that likes to smile, to laugh, and to cry all in the span of a couple of hours. After a summer spent with his his best friend Kat to escape his family, Phil goes back to school and starts to question his feelings towards Nicholas, a new classmate.

It's a wonderful book I always return to. His aunt Pascal gave him the best advice through the movie, of you want answers, ask the question!

It made me want to learn German. Disjointed too but entertaining. Intriguing, captivating story. I would think it more real to have the boyfriend go with another guy or the relationship just not work out for some other reason. Jakob M. Erwa (screenplay), Un joli film qui nous emmène au sein d'une famille plutôt atypique, les souvenirs du protagoniste principal et certaine confidence de ses proches nous font peu a peu comprendre le malaise qui s'est installé dans leurs foyer, seul bémol pour moi l'histoire d'amour que j'ai trouvé plutôt plate, j'avais deviné des le début ce qu'il se passerait au vu de l'attitude (trop) décontracté et séductrice du petit copain de Phil, un coté doux amer ressort vers la fin, et j'etais bien content de le voir avancer enfin seul sans se retourner... ont comprend que l'affiche sur le DVD nous enduit en erreur, cependant certain point sont a éclaircir pour moi concernent le copain de Phil son passé, son cabanon (au vu de la fin il n'avais pas l'air d'en avoir si honte... xD), et surtout leurs première rencontre au supermarché, bon point pour la mère et la soeur... Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. On suit le jeune héros dans cette démarche pleine de surprise, d'émois, de larmes et finalement de sérénité. Doukyuusei (Colegas de Classe) 2016. Also, near the end, Kat pleads with Phil to talk to her and that she will wait for him forever! It was a very enjoyable movie, and had a great storyline. Louis Hofmann was born on June 3, 1997. Solo le doy dos estrellas porque no trae subtítulos en francés y, quizás sea involuntario, pero yo creo que me han vendido una versión barata ya que la portada de la película que he recibido es diferente. Singularly perceptive portrayal of emotional and sexual impulses of teenagers and their tempestuous consequences. 10th Annual Qfest St. Louis – Lgbtq Film Festival Runs March 29th – April 2nd at the .Zack Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The German film Die Mitte der Welt was shown in the U.S. with the translated title Center of My World (2016). Even so, I wanted the movie to go on forever just to see how Phil's life continued. The main story is about 17-year-old Phil, his mother Glass, and his sister Dianne, and their struggles growing up together. I bought this movie since it was gay-themed, and I was surprised to find that the focus of the story was more on Phil and his family. Bonjour, je mets 4 étoiles car ayant déjà vu ce film en VOST (Die Mitte der Welt), j'ai doré ce film. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The ending is kind of ambiguous in that Nicholas sends him that figurine (Snow bowl) he kept from Phil's encounter with him at the Supermarket, as a child. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Jannik Schümann was born in 1992 in Hamburg, Germany. La película no está mal, el típico drama adolescente de dos chicos muy guapos, pero en alemán. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. I don't know why so many gay themed movies have to include this type of addition to the story. Finais Felizes ao anoitecer (Happy Endings Sleepover) Nenhuma Noite é Longa o Bastante.

MADE ME LAUGH, MADE ME MAD, MADE ME CRY... although I could pretty much predict what was coming!

I didn't know how it could be brought to screen - until now. My only problem is the addition of the boyfriend having to turn out to be with a girl also. "Center of my world" / "Die Mitte der Welt" was and is one of my most beloved novels I first read end of the 90ies shortly before it has been released. La historia es entretenida y el cast muy prometedor. It was a very enjoyable movie, and had a great storyline. This is, simply, an amazing film! Andreas Steinhöfel (based on the novel by)

Nada fuera de este mundo pero entretiene bastante. The one plot line- his infatuation with Nicholas begged a better clarification in Nicks relationship with Phil's BFF, Kat.

Mais pas de piste son Français sur ce DVD comme indiqué dans la présentation. Audio allemand seulement et sous-titres FR, donc retour en cours, j'ai acheté ce DVD justement pour avoir la VF qui n'existe pas... One of the male leads is ridiculously beautiful so that helped me get through the movie.

Does this gesture mean that when Phil returns from America, he and Nicholas (along with Kat)restart their relationship? Intriguing, captivating story. There was no clear indication that they were seeing each other prior to Phil catching them having sex!