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National Route number 4 cuts across Burkina from East to West over a distance of nearly 400 kilometres, headed to Togo, Niger and Benin. )Help Father Bruno Sakandé bring clean drinking water to the people of Mogtedo!To thank you for your support, we will send you a postacrd from Burkina Faso, signed by Fr Bruno and the local team.A huge thank you for your support, and a 100% organic cotton bag, printed with an image of the project.Very many thanks, and a basket of local artisanal products: Tapoa honey, handmade soap, and Shea butter cream, known as "Women's Gold" in Burkina Faso.In addition to our sincere thanks, we invite you to visit Mogtedo once the well is operational.

Plein de succès pour la suiteFirst of all, a huge thank you for your support! �@g�E�T*`ۢ$��|_���鄑��d�/��R21�*F����9�dbb�=eL��>�Qq ���LR��v�Ж�uIs���~��K�!�a�Oc *�+aR�7S4J�T��8���W��S���OL0�K�4�Հ�m��1=�’��9-yG� ��V��˖)ң��r�ۇ��YiSA.Ȧ����)�r��)4�����X��!CN��;`{��?. BURKINA FASO - It is highly difficult, if not impossible, to forecast what the weather will be like at a certain time in a very precise place.. And yet, all travellers would like to know in advance the climate conditions in order to organize their future trip. x��]�rݸ�}�W���9g�bp#�K���'wwb+�Jw��X�%�e�mKN�72��� $��A,��V�Tfj�J�$��}Y��M���h�ڈ���������{����G���?� ������_k6�5Ɖp���v�;���tm���k��me�����a)c���k��u���^ *�ҟ��yy������ �j�Ֆ�����u6�'ց�afog6]�i��m��������ov���o��\��w�/w�J5�t>��o?��pM��G�cַ�l��O6��ӓ'�v�8/:>ѿ���J����BmcLg�waɮk�_�1��^���h���׻��oiTɔ"�.�������:�ѯ �����lFʰ�:�:v����8}l���x���¬�Y��)dꟇŤ�a�c/��x�9=I3��.����_ӳ�w�q��#6��h��2���u�aTX_� Aa9��C���3���9;��vZ#�ȉHi�8�y�����e��#���|Ԑ��Eu�� �|�iA�|�L մ{"e��ӛ�/���'�W]�T� Please contact the store for more details.
/��� U�Jfu���j��/��C���N������ �Y�'eL�s�rx�Aʹw���1͙V���ի�bG��4�O���c�-�+�^?�Tf7=ZKg�7�=�������Xb�.��m0������-� I��|O���x��(A��%���w�QJ!�-��E�D��ͮt��L�QU;_��h�u�)j���-��`V���kQ�X]��6�pYU �'EMT]��)c��1���|�5�� Over half the town still lacks access to clean water. ... Mogtedo is a rural commune in central-eastern Burkina Faso, situated 80km east of the capital Ougadougou. We will cover your accommodation and meals for 5 days. As a donor, you will receive a quarterly e-newsletter with news and photos of the project's progress in Mogtedo.En confiance avec l'action soutenue par Mark O'MalleyBelle initiative, félicitation à l'équipe projet. Narrator 2: The national highway, the plain and the market. )First of all, a huge thank you for your support! There are 4 ways to get from Accra to Zam Department by plane, car or bus. ;g�A�����|� �bÝi������ZCf4'i����a�v(Ӯ/�W�a���nU�+��R�%&5�x�(�Q�:�P�j��S���R�F)� ����fB�B����MK��)*Ne�R��ʤ�4�Xݣ��4��5�b�.K(��!�_UM��x������� �a��|_���Z[�r����c�q �N��:vu�+�1d�1� ���?�,��f��)_���� �5���8�Kج��a�B]��:� �����SD헇���o{5�^5*�ɼ��B��V'�.��]l+8������a\ (Flights to and from Burkina Faso not included. %PDF-1.4 Average temperatures or rainfall can help you to get a good idea of the issue.

?q���� These are the heart and lungs of Mogtedo, the village of businessmen farmers, the only ones who regulate onion sales from here to Togo. We have the full set of ROMs including the best rated ones to help you enjoy your time.

Narrator 3: Ajk6ޡK}�~�o�hFc~L�-,���헙յZ-E�`)���:�i�@՘��=��BP�UB��(��?Eh�Æ�Lϸ�Z��/s)��T��Rq�`TK��|O���.J����gG���0u���)t�L�,��K��������r�\]VF^>�������W�� ���nL�����{*},~ڀӯo J�����K�D@�I��=�E�dKw8`�y�/�:_)*�i���&�p7�=V��|#� 1), the capital of Burkina Faso, is situated on the central plateau with an altitude of around 300 m above sea level. %�쏢 Current water sources, consisting of wells and boreholes, are insufficient for the daily needs of the local population. 5 0 obj <>

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It is also the country's largest city, with a population of approximately 1,400,000 according to the 2006 census . Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. (�y��n��V�p��7�ם�^�|#��v{���*����w��N����2N/������6���d3l�XL��x?M��M�����l ����9�HeO��)�A�W���B����:�pͤ�Mg�L�7V� ���ߞ�����Š��z�x_��@Gѷ����:~/�4A��n��ݰP`�__>�--�/L��Q7Ovum۶\�n���$5�l�h ׈�i�>�IP����d�:����פ�g�s0�i������JX�{��ԑ��g����4Ϫ� .�4���b��u$��r߲a���]��` ��(P�o��l�;���Sr�/�oz9ݢ+M~dqkF ���h�J�X���>^�%i�� J�E��*��%�[�%[p����P]��-Xoar e���9��:�6�Bc���&]�����S�[n"�J&�>*�Z��T�fu�2R�L`BŮζ:���d��V��;!3.��0���Y�9[���$��\�ZIK��n^�l�ߪ���[h��$#�9Bċle�p?R�K��4��H8����y��S15��B��.ߓ�V7bti�Ȍ�H�F�GJz�t�`v�=��! R���ì}��E��z����. Ouagadougou (Fig. )��B\#�X1s:D{���^��I����|

stream Ouagadougou is situated in … Help Father Bruno Sakandé bring clean drinking water to the people of Mogtedo!To thank you for your support, we will send you a postacrd from Burkina Faso, signed by Fr Bruno and the local team.A huge thank you for your support, and a 100% organic cotton bag, printed with an image of the project.Very many thanks, and a basket of local artisanal products: Tapoa honey, handmade soap, and Shea butter cream, known as "Women's Gold" in Burkina Faso.In addition to our sincere thanks, we invite you to visit Mogtedo once the well is operational.