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Your English is just fine!First off, amazing program! It needs to be confirmed on multiple machines to confirm.I love the program, and i can confirm that you still need the first octet to 02 in Win 8 x64...Thanks for compliments.

Not sure if this is possible. Can't get the mac address to change, using 00 or 02.

On side note, changing MAC address for USB based Ethernet adapter depends upon the drivers and it may not work on all devices.Hi Shreyas. So I have used As the above images show, the physical address stays the same despite "spoofing" the unlisted MAC address. For wireless network connections, set the first octet of MAC address as "02" and try again Anybody can ask a question The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Setting first octet to "AC" will not set the second bit in the octet (refer the diagram in post).bro it shows changing the mac address ,but my comp still access same iplooooool.. the ip has nothing to do with the mac, looooool.. this software only changes the mac address mr. AnonymousTHis problem you have is probably only with certain few. I have a tmobile 4g dongle whose MAC address I am trying to change. At Wireless Network Connection it won't change at all. You can't do anything with it, for some reason even though the original and changed MAC info does show in the registry. I was hoping some lower level coders would see my post and maybe figure it out. If its not then you need to contact the software vendor of the device you have installed on the door.Thanks. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Thank You very much for creating it and giving it for free! TMAC can change MAC address only for Ethernet & WiFi networks.TMAC cannot change MAC address of Wimax network adapters. This blog post would answer most of what you are asking. see the video here When I edit it through the registry and then reboot, it does allow it to stick. Please read the post and comments for info.Tried using "02" config and also disabled and re-enabled the Wi-Fi network as mentioned earlier by you. . Please read the blog post and the comments above.If u want to hack in to free internet conect to some unsecured netvork and get cc get mac adresse and this little program that is great for this thing never had any better program that can change mac .Thanks for the compliments.

Check it out again Ok, i have a Realtek RTL8191SE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter, the MAC address normally starts with 1C. (I close progam before update.) How am I suppose to spoof non-'02'-beginning MAC addresses? For clearing flash cookies, use Better Privacy addon made for Firefox.Thanks. Also here is a couple of screenshots just to illustrate the problem: changing mac address works if first octet is 02. changing mac address fails if first octet is 24 They must have thought to make it tough for WiFi hackers.the same with usb lan, on a tethered interface (NDIS remote via usb connection) MAC cant be changed, even with 02 on first octet.Because of Microsoft's usage of these bit flags, the possible MAC addresses in Windows 7 for wireless adapters is:If you got USB wi-fi device then TMAC wont work on it.Works perfectly fine on my $5 usb wifi from ebay. Not responsible for typographical, technical, or descriptive errors of products herein. Thanks.loos like it works only with 02-xx-xx-xx etc. I think the problem comes because the modem detects that the MAC address does not correspond to any X2 manufacturer of network devices. I offloaded the duties of the Kali Linux VM to the DD-WRT box.

started with C0-CB-xx-xx-xx-xx. Work Greate ong Windows 8 Pro (Intel Centrino 1000 N).

If the connection you are referring didnt list in windows network connections then the device is removed without uninstalling. However I can't connect to my wifi network anymore....HELP! Till now no particular fix is available. There might be a time when you want to change the MAC address of your network adapter. Welcome. By default, your Samsung Smart TV fetches the DNS server settings automatically.

There was an error while accessing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) services.

Learn more about Stack Overflow the company @August 15, 2011 12:00 PM: just mail me a screenshot, i will give some suggestions to fix it.do you have a latest version for windows 7?..

Contact your ISP to verify if that's the case.I checked the modem settings and there is no mac filter. I'm running on Windows 7 but everytime i try to change it, it says "Failed to change MAC address.

Thank you very much for all the effort you put in writting this precious software.Thanks for the compliments. Oddly enough, if I use my external WiFi dongle, I can change the MAC just fine.This is an odd situation. i am scared to be online for too long. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under

I might add feature to change machine name in next release.Hi.Do you know where I can find a way to eliminate the ETags?Just make sure to delete browser cache every time just like you would want to clear cookies. So just a quick update, someone has a video on youtube with a (very) hacky workaround for this restriction by passing control of a USB wireless adapter to a VM running a different OS that doesn't have this restriction, and then bridging the virtual network adapter provided by vmware that connects to the VM to the host os ethernet adapter.

))command line parameters if passed.Hi Shreyas, great program! And yes, it shows when doing ipconfig /allI had written up a complete answer but then went back and read your post one more time and caught the part about how you'd already tried the registry edit method.