On 29 May 2016, a mine decimated a MINUSMA convoy near Sévaré, killing five Togolese blue helmets. Crisis Group interviews, Fulani members of the elite, Bamako and Sévaré, November 2015 and March 2016.Crisis Group interviews, nomads originally from the Douentza region, Bamako, February 2015 and March 2016.A Fulani militiaman from Niger who was active in the 1990s regrets that Fulanis who share similar demands toward the governments of the subregion wear themselves out by fighting under the flag of the jihadists. Ils y sont restés plusieurs heures avant de disparaître, une nouvelle fois, dans la nature.
Crisis Group interview, public official, Bamako, February 2015.Crisis Group interview, Malian public official originally from Dialloubé (Mopti region), Mopti, October 2015.Crisis Group interviews, resident of Nampala and former elected representative in the Mopti region, Bamako, February 2015.
They avoid big gestures but chase the state and its representatives from large swathes of territory and gradually replace them with their own people. Counter-terrorism operations can serve to pressure such groups.
Most of Mali’s international partners have had little involvement in the centre, are predominantly based in Bamako and more involved in the north. In his view, this weakens the struggle for their own people as it provokes the hostility of Western powers and Fulanis should rather form armed movements along ethnic lines as they used to do. Des combattants peuls à … Mali-Niger : une frontière entre conflits communautaires, rébellion et djihad Tribune. The Niger-Mali Border: Subordinating Military Action to a Political StrategyThe Niger-Mali Border: Subordinating Military Action to a Political StrategyFertile Ground: Escalating Armed Violence in Central MaliSometimes described as a rite of passage for young men, this phenomenon has taken on a new dimension with the growing insecurity and eased access to firearms.Crisis Group email correspondence, Tamasheq political leader from Goundam, April 2016.
In January 2013, Kouffa was seen at the side of Ansar Dine combatants in Konna during their offensive in central Mali. Moreover, these groups remain poorly coordinated and a minority. Since the group’s emergence, state representatives have become targets of its actions and rhetoric, and have again abandoned their posts; violence has increased. The peace process has ignored central Mali. L’exposition aux changements climatiques et les faiblesses structurelles du Sahel en font une région du globe particulièrement propice et sensible aux Une approche globale est mise en place pour suivre les personnes qui bougent d’un côté de la frontière à un autre, et se déplacent dans les différents pays.La stratégie d’intervention Première Urgence Internationale pour 2019 est basée sur sa capacité à s’adapter à un contexte fortement instable, à diversifier ses activités sur ses Le déploiement de cliniques mobiles au Niger et au Mali permet d’apporter des Pour vous engager à nos côtés en faveur des populations victimes de crises humanitairesEn poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer des informations adaptées à vos centres d’intérêts et pour nous permettre de réaliser des statistiques de visites. Crisis Group interviews, nomads from the Douentza circle, Bamako, February 2015 and March 2016.Internal document of a national security service, September 2015.
It is growing in the Douentza circle, to a lesser extent in the Bankass circle, and occasionally spills over the border into Burkina Faso, especially in the northern and Sahel regions.