It is Friday 6:00 am, one after another they arrive, taking position at the back yard of the royal court of Mogho Naba Baongo of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.Among them are notables of the Palace, descendants of the royal lineage, ordinary people of the Mossi tribe, visitors and tourists.They came to pay allegiance and receive blessing from the traditional ruler of the Mossi, the biggest tribe of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.It has become a tradition, even an obligation especially for the descendants of the royal lineage to connect withThe people wait as the servants prepare the stage for the arrival of the Mogho.The royal seat is set up and two servants squat in front of the throne.The notables all squat in the courtyard paying him allegiance.Moments after, he retires into the Palace, ready to grant audiences.It is this Friday morning ritual that attracts many tourists to the Palace of the Mossi people.But behind the attachment to tradition is also the quest to meet the most influential traditional ruler in Ouagadougou.BBC in an article, describes him as the ‘Mediator Monarch’ going byEven before he brockered the peace many, administrative, diplomatic and other prominent personalities consulted with him regularly.The Lady ambassador of Chadalso and a huge delegation from FESPACO were also present and met with the Mogho.The Mogho palace has all that catches the eyes reflecting the rich cultural heritage of a people.Traditional artefacts, statutes traditional Mossi architecture even more, royal palace attendants who fit well in their role.In the Palace of Mogho Naba, no photo shots are allowed except on special occasions but definitely not in all areas of the Palace.Sign posts with specific warnings are visible everywhere in the large courtyard while guards are stationed to reinforce the rules.Mogho Naba Bsongo 11 of Ouagadougou is one of the five chiefs of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso.
After 10 days of protests, Alexander Lukashenko says he has given orders to end the unrest in Minsk.
He took over the throne in 1983 from his late father, Naba … In times of crisis, the role of the "Naba" becomes even more important. Crowds gathered outside the residence of Mogho Naba during the latest stand-off between the civilian government and the military Naba Kougri (born Moussa Congo) (1930 – 8 December 1982) was, according to the traditional order, the 36th Mogho Naba of Ouagadougou, the king of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. Un bref résumé des évènements de l'époque est raconté dans le livre Au Burkina Faso, fêter Thomas Sankara est de nouveau un sport nationalAu Burkina, la dissolution du RSP devrait permettre d'éclaircir définitivement la mort de SankaraAu Burkina, la dissolution du RSP devrait permettre d'éclaircir définitivement la mort de SankaraQuand le Président du Burkina Faso se réfugie à l'ambassade française, symbole du passé colonialLe retour d'exil de Mariam Sankara, un symbole fort pour le Burkina FasoLa dépouille de Thomas Sankara exhumée, le Burkina Faso retient son souffleAu Burkina, le général Diendéré, auteur du coup d'Etat, inculpé pour «attentat»La fin du général Diendéré ouvre une nouvelle ère au Burkina FasoQuels scénarios possibles au Burkina Faso après le coup d'Etat? Naba Kougri (born Moussa Congo) (1930 – 8 December 1982) was, according to the traditional order, the 36th Mogho Naba of Ouagadougou, the king of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. Le Mogho Naba Kougri voulait imposer à la Haute Volta (nom du Burkina de l'époque) une monarchie constitutionnelle mais échoua dans sa tentative. He was the son of the previous Mogho Naba, Sagha II.
Mogho Naba Bsongo 11 of Ouagadougou is one of the five chiefs of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. The king is said to have played a key role in helping Burkina Faso avoid a bloodbath as negotiations between officers from both side of the military spectrum took place in pursuit of an end to the stand-off following last week's coup.