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KING VEGETA SSJ. image828×1792 661 KB

He is immensely proud of his Saiyan heritage and believes his race to be the most powerful in the universe.

… image828×1792 644 KB More ... Saiyan Dragon Ball Gt Chien Shiba Inu Anime Negra Character Art Character Design Anime Crossover Geeks. Xeno King Vegeta (ベジータ王:ゼノ, Bejīta-ō: Zeno) is an incarnation of King Vegeta from a world separate to the main timeline who is a member of the Dark Empire. Vegeta was born in 12 BMA to the previous King Vegeta and an unknown mate. During their battle, Bardock manages to achieve In the remains of Mechikabura's Tower, Xeno King Vegeta and Xeno Bardock are confronted by Salsa and Shroom, the last of the Demon Gods who have remained loyal to Mechikabura. … As with any Saiyan in Freeza's employ (read: nearly all of them), he dons the Vegeta is haughty, arrogant, and bitter as a result of the abuse his race suffered at the hands of Frieza. He is introduced by the latter to Frieza and kneels before him. Fortunately, both his and Bardock's sons (Kakarot & Raditz) survived the planet's destruction along with Saiyan General King Vegeta is mentioned by Frieza (with the anime expanding it and showing a flashback of King Vegeta going to engage in a battle against Frieza), who says when he attacked planet Vegeta, where the Saiyans lived, he defeated the king, Vegeta’s father, without even needing to transform.

Thanks. Vegeta is 5'5" tall and his hair firmly stands upwards, and has a prominent widow's peak.

Xeno King Vegeta appears to hold a severe grudge over both Frieza and also Beerus. Vegeta as an Ascended Super Saiyan.

As a Great Ape, his power is ten times that of the his base form, and in direct numbers is mentioned to be one hundred and seventy thousand, however, given his base reading was mentioned as nineteen thousand, this would be inaccurate, as the correct reading should be one hundred and ninety thousand. In addition to his stinginess, he is well-known for being ruthless towards his subjects and subordinates at times to the point he is shown to literally "shoot the messenger" when he was frustrated by a message that the conquest Though King Vegeta was known for his ruthlessness, King Vegeta genuinely cared for his son Vegeta and despite his shame and embarrassment over his youngest son Tarble's weakness, he chose to banish him rather than kill his youngest son, showing that even his ruthlessness had its limits. image828×1792 641 KB Xeno King Vegeta was brought back by Mechikabura in order to act as his servant. image828×1792 663 KB While fighting Xeno Bardock, Xeno King Vegeta is surprised to find he's having this much fun fighting a low-class warrior.

Likes. Xeno King Vegeta believes that with this power he will be able to travel back to the genocide of the Saiyans and wipe out both Frieza and Beerus. Bardock Super Saiyan Dbz Dragon Ball Z Iron Man King Deviantart Superhero Comics Artist. Unlike his son, King Vegeta never redeemed himself and died unrepentant. His power level is stated to be around 10,000.

This means his Great Ape form is above the likes of Zarbon, Dodoria, and most of the Ginyu Force except for Captain Ginyu himself (who possessed a power level of 120,000). He let himself be controlled by the Dark Empire in order to gain power over the darkness and after having controlled it now seeks to travel back in time to defeat them. Yet he willingly submitted to be punished by Beerus for his actions, which very likely prevented Beerus from destroying him and/or Planet Vegeta for his mistake (though as a result of the incident Beerus would later advise Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta due in part to Beerus' perception of King Vegeta as stingy and his dislike of the evil of the Saiyan people which thrived under King Vegeta's rule). However, he did make the mistake of giving Beerus the second most comfortable pillow on Planet Vegeta while keeping the first most comfortable for himself (a potentially costly mistake). 1 post - 1 participant … He gains a slight muscle increase as well. Sign up! These forms are listed in the order they were attained. 1) King Vegeta has a power level of 10,000. King Vegeta Recolor for SSJ Vegeta A Skin Mod for Dragon Ball FighterZ. 1 post - 1 participant He has no qualms about killing opponents, even moreso if he has been disgraced in battle against them. King Vegeta takes pride in his saiyan heritage, a trait which he passed on to his eldest son along with his elitist views. Origin of the "King Vegeta" Social Media Gift Equipment: Equipment Effects Slot 1. Xeno King Vegeta is able to defeat Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Bardock, though is weakened enough that he is taken out by a sneak attack from Xeno Paragus. Read full topic When Xeno Bardock becomes the Masked Saiyan once more and becomes Super Saiyan 3 he proves to be able to battle Xeno King Vegeta. In this regard, he can be classified as a "tank" of sorts, and is always able to last longer in battle, even if his own strength is not effective to win. 1. Updates. Overview. Todos.

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Planet Vegeta in Gt is much bigger than earth as well.

He is described by both Like his son, King Vegeta is shown to be a proud Saiyan, though like Vegeta during the God of Destruction Beerus Saga, King Vegeta would swallow his pride when faced with foes more powerful than himself such as Frieza (though he would later attack Frieza once he realized the tyrant planned to destroy him and his people) and Beerus. Read full topic … 1 post - 1 participant After teaming up with Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Bardock, the two Saiyans combined power is able to quickly overcome In the manga, Xeno King Vegeta refers to himself this form as Invasion of the Dark Empire Dark Masked King card from Dark-Masked King retrieving the four-star Dark Dragon BallTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan, Vegeta's hair turns pale blond, his eyes become green, and his body becomes slightly more muscular. Issues. His royalty seems to have bestowed upon him an inflated sense of superiority, holding himself above nearly everybody he encounters. His hair turns blond, the irises of his eyes become green, and he acquires a golden aura just as all Super Saiyans. As the king of Saiyans, Vegeta is the Commander of the Saiyan faction of the Planet Trade Organization, directly under Frieza in his power over his own race.