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It tore me to shreds. I would recommend it to anyone who has ever felt an outsider at one time or another. The story Maupin describes as 'partly autobiographical', despite the main character being a female heterosexual Jewish dwarf.The character was also based on his friend Tamara De Treaux, who was the actor for E.T.. Former tennis player Jim Courier read this book during a changeover. suit, I feel like there's more to it, perhaps. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. As usual Maupin’s brilliant prose enables him to create a cast of characters that the reader quickly associates as their own close friends. In this one, he tells the story through the diaries of Cadence Roth, a 31 inch actress whose one claim to fame was working the elf suit of an E.T./munchkin from Oz hybrid in a syrupy sweet blockbuster called Mr. Woods.

Loved listening to the audiobook read by the author.
Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of dispose d’un accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la But somewhat gushy at times. Maybe on the moon There is a soil for the doomed I should save us a ride I'll do what you want me to do I'll lose the grip of your eyes I'll do what you want me to do You're the needle in my arm I didn't enjoy this book as much as the tales of the city books.I found myself not loving the characters quiet so much, perhaps this author has become jaded about the way the world has changed. This is a fabulous book, remarkably crisp and well-written. Reading the reviews here, though, and learning that Cadence Roth, the main character, was based on a close friend of Maupin's, an actress whose best-known role was inside the E.T. What would it be like to try to make a life and career in the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood, standing just 31 inches high? I should save us a ride. I'm not completely sure what liberties Maupin might have taken but I had read that Tamara and Spielberg had differences because Tamara told reporters she was E.T. To my knowledge this is one of only two books Maupin has written outside that series which in itself is a real shame. What kind of person would it turn you into?I heard about this book on a Chinese cookery show, of all places, and was intrigued. 3.5/5.

At the same time, it’s old fashioned and highly moral in the best sort of Dickensian way. Bonne vieille pluie Qui martèle dans mes rêves Tu as laissé une tâche À chaque heure Tous les trésors trouvés A graduate of the University of North Carolina, he served as a naval officer in the Mediterranean and with the River Patrol Force in Vietnam. She has spirit, gusto, and gumption, and she has taught me that in order to achieve greatness, you must believe in it and take risks. I fell in love with Maupin’s writing through his well known Tales series chronicling the life of Anna Madrigal in the liberal San Francisco. Partagez et commentez ! Funny and very sweet. But great characters, combined with rich dialogue and very average life backdrop, make me think of this book as reduced sarcastism, but equal vision, of America a la Confederacy of the Dunces.Armistead Maupin was born in Washington, D.C., in 1944 but grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina. What would it be like to try to make a life and career in the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood, standing just 31 inches high? In this one, he tells the story through the diaries of Cadence Roth, a 31 inch actress whose one claim to fame was working the elf suit of an E.T./munchkin from Oz hybrid in a syrupy sweet blockbuster called Mr. Woods.

Maupin fictionalises the life of his friend, a special actress with dwarfism, telling his readers her story, an almost impossible dream of becoming a star in roles that don’t involve being completely hidden in a sci-fi character’s suit. I’m glad I did, and I look forward to recommending it in the future.I really enjoyed this book. Maybe on the moon There is a soil for the doomed I should save us a ride I'll do what you want me to do I'll lose the grip of your eyes I'll do what you want me to do You're the needle in my arm I'll drain drain drain The rivers of addiction I dreamed I could Feed my veins in oblivion I can’t lie, but I’m a little sad that my time with Cady Roth, a 31 inch tall (well, short) person has come to an end. Start by marking “Maybe the Moon” as Want to Read: Ecoutez gratuitement et téléchargez Maybe on the Moon - AaRON extrait de We Cut the Night [2015]. I felt the ending was a bit sudden sad and perhaps the author just got bored of the main character and killed them off.
This book is different from Maupin’s beloved Tales of the City because it’s told solely from Cady’s point of view. 2.5 stars. Be the first to ask a question about Maybe the Moon