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MC Debbie D shared the news about the death of PHASE 2 on Twitter. But he hated the word.Phase 2, who in the early 1970s was one of the most prolific, inventive and emulated New York graffiti writers, and who later produced early hip-hop’s most innovative fliers, died on Dec. 12 at a nursing and rehabilitation center in the Bronx. He was 64.The cause was amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, his longtime friend David Schmidlapp said.In the South Bronx at the dawn of the 1970s, all the creative components that would coalesce into what became widely known as hip-hop were beginning to take shape. In the early 1970s, the dawn of what became known as hip-hop, he helped shape the art of graffiti on New York City subways. Born Lonny Wood in 1958 in Bronx, NY, he began tagging subway trains during the early 1970s, and later became a founding member of United Graffiti Artists (UGA). Dans les commentaires des inserts sur le directeur de DVD, en fait, Contenu communautaire disponible sous les termes de la licence gigs, for a variety of uptown events and, later, for the Friday night parties at the Roxy, where uptown and downtown were commingling, and where he would also do live painting.Phase 2 was comfortable moving between scenes. Rest those hands, my brother! His designs, laid out by hand, were modern, orderly and dense; he called the style “funky nous deco.” In an interview this year with He designed hundreds of them — for Grandmaster Flash’s early D.J. MC Debbie D shared the news about the death of PHASE 2 on Twitter. Voici Phase 2, un artiste graffiti et street-art de Minneapolis (US. Phase 2 was best known as the pioneer of softies — bubble-style letters that helped usher graffiti away from simple tags and toward full-fledged artworks. The form was evolving rapidly, with each day delivering a fresh set of artworks on train lines across the city.

Phase 2 - Graffiti #3, image via The Bubble Letters and Deconstructing. And he continued to develop new styles, sometimes passing them off to his fellow writers.Crucially, he rejected the word graffiti — “the G-word,” he called it. He continued to make art, selling privately and occasionally in galleries, including works on paper and robot-style sculptures influenced by his love of Japanese animation. In 1975 Phase 2 joined the newly created United Graffiti Artists, a professional aerosol writer collective which began to attract media attention. Since the beginning of his career to now, Phase 2 has demonstrated his works in various presentations devoted to urban art and aerosol. « L'écriture sur les murs des lieux de culte et des bâtiments historiquement importants ou valeur artistique réelle est pas bon. Phase 2 is also widely recognized for creating the “Bubble” letter style in writing.As the spray painting society took off during the late 1970s, Wood engaged himself in spreading the developing hip-hop scene from the Bronx to Manhattan. His concerns included the determination of who would tell the stories of his generation, and the proper code of conduct for people in the graffiti scene.He was “policing the culture, explaining, calling out suckers, biters and frauds,” the writer Adam Mansbach, a friend of Phase 2’s since the 1990s, said.He was particular about what collectors he would sell to, and whom he would do shows with.

Bronx graffiti artist and designer PHASE 2 has died.He passed away Thursday night, December 12, 2019. If you couldn’t get one, you got the other! “​If you ever wrote Graf or just enjoy the artform you are indebted to the man ​If you ever wrote Graf or just enjoy the artform you are indebted to the man We send our condolences to the loved ones of Phase 2, may his work live forever on. depuis lors, j'ai commencé à créer des pièces en tant que phase 2 »Vers la fin de 1972 a commencé à développer le Style Bubble, un style novateur qui a été considéré comme un pour cette forme d'art « pas de géant » Phase 2 En 1974, il a fondé le Royaume-Graffiti Artists, un groupe d'écrivains professionnels qui commence tôt pour attirer l'attention des médias. Connais ton ennemi, stupide! Also called softies, this lettering was used for the earliest subway pieces and gave material for the further development of other letter styles and what will later become wild lettering. He was also a sometime D.J., as well as a dancer and a founder of the New York City Breakers crew.

It took him only a year to create an early version of his signature bubble letters, which were quickly picked-up and copied by other street artists. He was a DJ, made flyers, and was a member of the B-Boy crew Electrified Movement. At his death he had been in the early stages of a documentary project with Mr. Grey and a book about his fliers with the hip-hop historian Pete Nice.But he was primarily concerned with preserving what he deemed to be the correct and proper history of aerosol art.Phase 2’s writings, Mr. Ket said, “were militant and a call to action.”“A warning,” he added, “that people were being hoodwinked by the media, the gallerists, the collectors, other artists. Phase 2 was best known as the pioneer of softies — bubble-style letters that helped usher graffiti away from simple tags and toward full-fledged artworks. Ce ne sont pas de simples photos, ce sont des archives : Keith Baugh publie « Early subway graffiti 1973-1975 », un livre regroupant des centaines de photos du métro new yorkais.Pendant que certains dansent le Mia, d'autres dansent à l'IMA! PHASE 2, born Michael Lawrence (Lonnie) Marrow, was tall and lanky — with an affinity for Italian knits and sharkskin pants. PHASE 2 is best known for pioneering the so-called bubble lettering and its multiple variants. He painted a variety of substyles of these letters, with a name for each: “His lettering constantly changed; you never saw his tag repeat itself. PHASE 2 is an American graffiti artist known for his pioneering role in the “bubble letter” style of spray painting. Il a également collaboré avec Richard Goldstein pour la construction d'un essai sur le graffiti à New York, qui a servi à inspirer de nouvelles générations d'artistes. He was raised primarily in the Bronx, in the Forest Houses projects, and attended DeWitt Clinton High School, which in the early 1970s was rapidly becoming a graffiti hotbed.