Chocolate is a permanent thing.The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and Shakespeare…neither knew chocolate.Switzerland is a place where they don’t like to fight, so they get people to do their fighting for them while they ski and eat chocolate.Biochemically, love is just like eating large amounts of chocolate.What use are cartridges in battle? 11 oct. 2012 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Céline Ribeiro / développement. Thanks!• For what to write on greeting cards, emails and letters.• For Instagram captions, Facebook posts and other social media communications.• For what to say in person and many more opportunities when the right words matter.Copyright © 2013 - 2020 • Michael & Gabriel, Inc. | Together we will float into the Mystic. 12 sept. 2015 - Une pomme, du miel, une grenade, voilà un drôle de menu pour un soir si solennel, un soir où tout notre avenir pour l’année qui s’annonce est en jeu. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.Nine out of ten people like chocolate. It takes you by surprise at first but keeps you warm for a long time.Blustery cold days should be spend propped up in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a pile of comic books.On hot chocolate: It flatters you for a while, it warms you for an instant; then all of a sudden, it kindles a mortal fever in you.He stared at his hot chocolate like it held the secret to the universe.The world won’t get more or less terrible if we’re indoors somewhere with a mug of hot chocolate,’ ‘Though it’s possible it will seem slightly less terrible if there are marshmallows in the hot chocolate.If you have any suggestions for chocolate quotes, please let us know via the Contact page.
because I can’t understand a word you’re saying.A little nonsense, now and then, is relished by the wisest men.There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free if you truly wish to be.There’s no earthly way of knowing, which direction we are going.If the good Lord had intended us to walk he wouldn’t have invented roller-skates.Everything inside is eatable, I mean edible, I mean you can eat everything.Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don’t need an appointment.My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. 18 mars 2018 - Découvrez le tableau "Chocolate funny" de ChocoChow sur Pinterest. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&M’s and a chocolate cake. 2 sept. 2014 - If you are a chocoholic, then you will love these chocolate quotes. Chocolate is, let’s face it, far more reliable than a man.The superiority of chocolate (hot chocolate), both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain.The divine drink, which builds up resistance and fights fatigue.
See more ideas about Chocolate quotes, Chocolate, Chocolate humor. Sweet.
Well, all except mine.
I have shared one bite with the hubby!Largest collection of chocolate sayings, expressions and quotes you will find on the web.
He developed a sweet bar for Baker’s Chocolate, and he was not from Germany.Exercise is a dirty word… Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go.Make a list of important things to do today. A satisfying collection of funny and famous chocolate quotes to tempt you. Think of how many cocoa beans in your kitchen to make your annual chocolate consumption a reality.Life is like a box of chocolates. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Humour, Chats grincheux drôles, Citation chocolat. You never know what you’re gonna get.Chocolate is the first luxury. Bitter. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. Sweet. Read on.All you need is love. Find images and videos about text, coffee and relax on We Heart It - the app to get lost in what you love.Chocoholic zone quote via 28 Is National Chocolate Day, So To Celebrate, We've Gathered The Very Best Chocolate Quotes And Funny Chocolate Memes Out There.You'll love the Chocolate Moods Apron at Wayfair - Great Deals on all Kitchen & Tabletop products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff.Dance with me! Chocolate was the domain of the royals for a long time before the Dutch revolutionized chocolate making in the 19th century.Whether it’s a gift, a treat, a symbol of your love or a personal indulgence, chocolates can be defined in every way. Its history goes back to over 4,000 years. Cocoa beans were once powdered and mixed with honey, spices, chili peppers, vanilla, and water to prepare a frothy drink and savored by the civilizations in Central America. Birthday Wishes, Anniversary Messages, and Love QuotesHere’s a satisfying collection of chocolate quotes to tempt you.The “food of the gods”, chocolate has been unmatched in history for its taste and importance. Mine is through chocolate.My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex.Happiness. It has so many things wrapped up in it: deliciousness at the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good.If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Especially right now....or the pecan pie my m-i-l made me. Love is a substitute for chocolate. I think of that again and again! Serions-nous devenus superstitieux ? Alive.God gave the angels wings, and he gave humans chocolate.Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate.Caramels are only a fad. May 23, 2019 - Explore Mklinkhammer K's board "Funny Chocolate Quotes" on Pinterest.