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A short time later, O’Neal met with Ranadive and Mastrov and was sold on the idea of joining the Kings ownership group.Since joining the Kings, Shaquille O’Neal has been more actively involved in operations than you might think. 1 pages. The Kings reportedly had offered Porter their own offer sheet, but he never signed it.With so many irons in the fire, it’s not surprising O’Neal might get confused and make an occasional mistake. One incident happened a couple of seasons ago when O’Neal erroneously told a Washington Wizards’ podcast that Washington was close to being a legitimate Eastern Conference threat, if they hadn’t lost an important contributor that offseason.“They lost an important piece, Otto Porter, who’s now playing for my team in Sacramento,” O’Neal said.Only problem was, Porter re-signed a four-year, $106.5-million deal with the Wizards. By Chris Morris. « J’ai de la chance car ma mère et mon père m’ont toujours dit qu’il fallait avoir une réserve… Il fallait toujours en garder de côté au cas où je me blesserais au genou, à la cheville… Ils me disaient toujours « au cas où… ».

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Retiré des parquet depuis 2011, l’ancien pivot des Lakers est un businessman averti, et contrairement à certaines stars qu’il a côtoyées, il n’y a pas de grosse fausse note dans la gestion de son patrimoine. According to the With so much success on the basketball court and in business since his retirement, it would make sense for O’Neal to invest a portion of his fortune into a basketball team if that opportunity ever became available.That’s precisely what happened in 2013, according to O’Neal became friends with 24-Hour Fitness founder Mark Mastrov years earlier when he was a regular at Mastrov’s gyms during his playing days in LA. Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal, surnommé Shaq, né le 6 mars 1972 à Newark dans le New Jersey, est un ancien joueur américain de basket-ball professionnel, aujourd'hui analyste sportif au sein de l'émission "Inside the NBA" sur TNT. Venture. Et puis je l’ai observé, je l’ai vu vivre à Los Angeles, et j’ai vu tout ce qu’il avait fait. C’est le montant estimé de la fortune de Shaquille O’Neal.