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They can defeat fully upgraded Teutonic Knights are tough enough to beat almost every unranged unit in a one-on-one fight, but even with their high melee armor, high hit points, and powerful attack, they prove to be vulnerable to units such as the Their biggest disadvantage, however, is their extremely slow speed due to the large amount of armor they wear, giving them a disadvantage against ranged units, as almost all of them can hit-and-run them. posted

Also Cataphracts... CT (US)     thats the question... whats the best way to counter loads of elite teutonic knights? This AOE 2 DE Civ Tier List is updated for the latest patch 35584 (February 27th). posted

CT (US)     3 or 4 or something like that, isn't it?

4 / 17  

13 / 17  

The Teutonic Knight is the most powerful infantry unit in the game. Onagers work well for ETK are slow so would be slaughtered by them.

posted 05-26-06 00:38 AM like 40 vs 40 teutonic knights, hit n run when they get close, or you can use some paladins to guard it.

Janny's will work nicely if strategically put and with tremendous acuracy

05-10-06 01:23 PM ELITE TEUTONIC KNIGHT vs EVERY UNIQUE UNIT AoE II Definitive Edition-0Their durable armor allows Teutonic Knights to win some fights even when greatly outnumbered.Teutonic Knights vs. Gog and Magog by Heinrich von HeslerAge of Empires Series Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

15 / 17  

Simple as that. My favourite would be Mongol Onagars and scorpions, mow them down!

Well, of course they're expensive you can train a larger army with the same money. posted

It's like this every time i get attacked by any enemy.

Teutonic Knights are tough enough to beat almost every unranged unit in a one-on-one fight, but even with their high melee armor, h…

Have you seen how long cannon take to kill ETK? please dont answer shit like "u shouldnt dont let your enemy makes loads of ETK"Actually i make many scorpions to counter... do u guys know another better unit?Cavarky archers would be good for a hit and run situation - just dont let them get close to the Cav.FU E-lbows would be great, for there long range and if micro-ed properly would be be easy to stop the ETKsHit and run tactics are so well suited to kill these units.Cataphracts would be my favorite choice.
How many onager-shots does it take to kill an ETK?

CT (US)     Stable units and their counters: Αν σας επιτεθούν με… Αντιμετωπίστε με… Hussar line: Halberdier line, Champion line, Paladin Line, Camel line, Massed Scorpions, (Hand Cannoneers), Janniserries, (Eagle Warriors), Towers, Cavalry Archers, Saracen Mamelukes, Byz Cataphracts, (Persian Elephants), (Teutonic Knights)

Teutonic Knights can be upgraded to Elite Teutonic Knights in the The Teutonic Knight is the most powerful infantry unit in the game.

05-11-06 04:17 PM

hand cannons works well if you have a lot. 05-18-06 07:45 AM 05-12-06 04:20 PM CT (US)     CT (US)     14 / 17   12 / 17  

That said: I used to think throwing axemen were the worst, but with the FE buff, they're actually very, very good at taking out buildings. 6 / 17   Copyright © 1997–2020 HeavenGames LLC. 11 / 17   crossbow/Arabalest, cavarcher ... handcannon .. other archer ... basically all with some decent pierce damage that can move faster than TK`s

posted 05-10-06 09:45 PM

posted Samurai and Jaguar Warriors are pretty good, I think.

05-10-06 12:26 PM

like 40 vs 40 teutonic knights, hit n run when they get close, or you can use some paladins to guard it. posted iirc 2 samurai beat 1 elite teutonic knights, the problem is when multiple teutonics atack the same target. Faster units that do pierce damage (archers, cavarly archers, any UU that has a pierce attack, etc.)

posted 05-10-06 03:15 PM CT (US)    


They're relatively cheap, quick produced, quick moving, and have good attack bonuses against TKs. I'd say a lot of archers and some Onagers. 8 / 17  

CT (US)    

Teutonic Knights are probably the worst ui IMO. One time I was playing a 4v4 with players who were all better than me, but I survived because most of them were massing Champions and I had an army of Elite Cataphracts. Even a Cobra Car takes 10 or so second... btw. This allows Teuton castles to match all non-Turkish Bombard Cannons and Cannon Galleons, leaving them vulnerable to only the trebuchet and elite cannon galleon. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Civilizations which are hard to play and not worth it if you want to win at all. perhaps I will soon.. still thinking.

I dont know if it's true that teutonic knights are resistant to conversion more than normal because i think i have heard that. CT (US)     hand cannons works well if you have a lot.

05-20-06 08:23 PM posted CT (US)