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The restaurant is good, too. The Museum of Modern andImpressive building with exceptionally nice light that is ideally suited for the display of a really well curated collection. Exposition d'art contemporain , installations, expo art moderne, expo art contemporain, expo musee art moderne, expo musée d art moderne, street art expo Art Contemporain août 2020 - l'agenda Art Contemporain Sortir à Strasbourg avec Le Parisien Etudiant Mais un nouveau mal (pour un bien) est en train de gagner les allées des plus grandes foires : la fair fatigue, une sorte de lassitude, celle de voir partout, de Bâle à New York, de Miami à Londres, de Hong Kong à Paris, les mêmes méga galeries, avec la même liste d’une vingtaine, trentaine, cinquantaine d’artistes superstars, hyper médiatisés et aux prix stratosphériques. To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. Cette véritable "rue intérieure" distribue plusieurs espaces présentant les collections d’art moderne et contemporain ainsi que le cabinet d’Arts Graphiques et de Photographie. Please choose a different date.Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. Throughout our tour, we'll tell you of the fascinating history of the people and places of Strasbourg.

ST-ART Strasbourg ST-ART, la foire d'art contemporain et de design de Strasbourg Du 27 au 29 Novembre 2020 #StartStrasbourg The “Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art” in the city of Strasbourg, is located on the Petite France side, when you are leaving the car into the underground car-park “Centre Historique – Petite France, …

Mulhouse Art Contemporain, Mulhouse (Mulhouse, France). Visit a diverse range of local eateries and try their best offerings from a cheese-making farmer to a 14th-century wine cellar turned restaurant and even enjoy a local beer tasting!

Not only will the history fascinate you, but the food will inspire you. with quite a few rooms of wonderful art, but not too many for them.

With the tour taking place near the train station, this experience is perfect for a day trip to Strasbourg!
See actions taken by the people who manage and post content.Aline Veillat / Regionale 20 / La Kunsthalle / "Se suspendre aux lendemains"Le Collectif Charrette a organisé sa troisième résidence estivale de production artistique cette année à #Mulhouse, à la ressourcerie L'Art et la matière, sur le site de DMC avec le soutien de Mulhouse Art Contemporain

The Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg (MAMCS, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art) is an art museum in Strasbourg, France, which was founded in 1973 and opened in its own building in November 1998. Worth a visit.We spent a good few hours at this museum, with paid entry. This quaint, picturesque city is the perfect spot to get away from the bustle of Paris and experience a side of France not many visitors get to see.What hotels are near Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain?What restaurants are near Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain?Restaurants near Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain:

Not the friendliest of places considering barely anyone was there. It opened on 21 June 1990, in Nice, France. Some fabulous pieces by picasso etc, but also more coThe “Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art” in the city of Strasbourg, is located on the Petite France side, when you are leaving the car into the underground car-park “Centre Historique – Petite France, you are coming out on the entrance of the Museum. ST-ART, la foire d’art contemporain de Strasbourg, Première Foire d’Art Française en Région, fête en 2020 sa 25è édition. Elle réunit chaque année 90 exposants, offrant au public de collectionneurs, institutionnels, professionnels et amateurs, un panorama complet de la création artistique contemporaine en matière d’art plastique et récemment de design. La première édition de la Biennale d’art contemporain de Strasbourg, Touch Me – Être citoyen à l’ère du numérique, vous invite à vous interroger sur la notion de citoyenneté à l’ère du numérique. Worth a visit.In a context of skepticism, the modern art is seen as a "scam" ... a lot of people think that the Modern Art is a sort of fake and that the true art is dead long time ago. Bus 4 ou 10 - arrêt Art Moderne; Tram B ou F - arrêt Musée d'Art Moderne; Consulter Strasmap pour connaître les parkings à proximité et le nombre de places disponibles.. En application du plan Vigipirate, les contrôles sont renforcés dans les Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg.
- via The “Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art” in the city of Strasbourg, is located on the Petite France side, when you are leaving the car into the underground car-park “Centre Historique – Petite France, you are coming out on the entrance of the Museum. Page officielle de Versant Est, Réseau art contemporain en Alsace The Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), also known as MAMAC, is a museum dedicated to modern art and contemporary art.

Ouverture du musée