Plante Anti Chat Extérieur, Pierre Soulages Acheter, Aspect D'une Personne, Inéquation Logarithme Exercice Corrigé Pdf, Carte Du Cercle De Yanfolila, MHD Mon Bébé, Chad Lowe Jeune, Destroyer Film Explication, Julien Signification Personnalité, Curry Rouge Indien, Chandra Wilson Et Son Mari, Calendrier Fédérale 1, Vinyle Vald Xeu, Dis Mon Nom Nightcore, Justine Kamara Age, église Philadelphie En Direct, Concert Soprano Suisse 2020, Poussez-vous Les Moches Chanteuse, Base Militaire Algérie, Regarde Moi Moji Paroles, Météo Togo Août,

trận bão tuyết…

in Indonesian

Whether tornado, Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.

trận bão tuyết… Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.


The move came after last month's A violent snowstorm with winds blowing at a minimum speed of 35 miles per hour and visibility of less than one-quarter mile for three hours.

a type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruit covered in pastry and baked


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in Indonesian

‘A blizzard of writs, in fact, and all from the same person.’ ‘Thereafter, we were treated to a blizzard of corporate cameos.’ ‘The flagship scheme then became lost in a blizzard of red tape.’ ‘A blizzard of speeches and press conferences marked Day One of the General Election.’

Thanks! Oodles of squirrels were out that afternoon, gearing up for winter, romping and chomping around the park like shoppers raiding a store before the {{#verifyErrors}}



Your feedback will be reviewed. blizzard synonyms, blizzard pronunciation, blizzard translation, English dictionary definition of blizzard. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.

borrufada… in Norwegian 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ?

der Schneesturm… zamieć, śnieżyca… In fact, the meaning of the word

in Chinese (Simplified) From

in Thai

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm.

To be a blizzard, a snow storm must have sustained winds or frequent gusts that are greater than or equal to 56 km/h (35 mph) with blowing or drifting snow which reduces visibilityto 400 m or 0.25 mi or l…

in Turkish From

in Japanese in German

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Dictionary Blizzard definition: A blizzard is a very heavy snowstorm with strong winds .

عاصِفة ثَلْجِيّة… in Chinese (Traditional) in Spanish in French badai salju…

badai salju…

nevasca… blizzard in English translation and definition "blizzard", Dictionary English-English online. From

雪, 暴風雪, 雪暴… b. (figuratively) A large amount of paperwork.


in Chinese (Traditional) in Russian

0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? in Korean พายุหิมะ… From The sentence contains offensive content.

blizzard - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.