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The shop has many different items available for every kind of budget.

Are you preparing your next trip? Steps from the northern ring road and a few minutes from the historic centre of Paris, The Originals Boutique, Hotel Maison Montmartre, Paris offers its urban and contemporary environment in the heart of the new Binet district. But we hope to come again in the near future!Mathieu K.

Our artist/seller even painted my sister's name on the tube. Awesome room and beautiful food!

Opened in October 2018, this hotel built between the Montmartre hill and the Saint-Ouen flea market is a reflection of the Binet district: modern and innovative. Their plus: the breathtaking view of Paris.This 200 m2 room can hold up to 102 people depending on the chosen seating plan.This 150 m2 room can hold up to 102 people depending on the chosen seating plan.This 80 m2 room can hold up to 68 people depending on the chosen seating plan.This 50 m2 room can hold up to 42 people depending on the chosen seating plan.This 45 m2 room can hold up to 37 people depending on the chosen seating plan.This 35 m2 room can hold up to 26 people depending on the chosen seating plan. We love her exquisite chain rose rings. Lovely hotel, lovely staff, lovely room. Meilleurs Magasin de souvenirs à Montmartre, Paris - Victor Souvenirs, Galarie Butte Montmartre, Pigalle Souvenirs, Boutique Pinacothèque, The French favor high-quality products and a subtle look to enhance natural beauty. The Galeries Lafayette department store has an entire 400 m² space devoted to gift souvenirs on the 6th floor of their main building. It is on the 7th floor of this ultra modern building with a slate façade that you will find 5 conference rooms, bright, modular, ultra equipped with sound and video equipment, with dedicated spaces for breaks and meals together. All these places are full of all types of objects illustrating Paris… Great place to stay if you are going to the Antique market at weekend.

Regarding the location, I didn' t like the improvised trades that took place during evenings in front of the hotel.

My sister got her caricature done from a 'real' Parisian artist and I tried out the Silhouette. Really nice view of the city. Depending on your tastes, and luggage size, we recommend heading to a speciality wine cellar where the sommelier can help you pick out the perfect bottle or two for you.For a fancy tea-time treat, go for one of the many You probably don’t come to Paris to eat sardines.

However, for one stop souvenir shopping the Galeries Lafayette department store is our top pick.

Great staff. The Originals Boutique, Try moving the map or changing your filters.