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Broly was born around the same time as Vegeta and Goku. Continue browsing in r/dbfz. Due to the sideswap and forced distance change, certain characters can get a 4 way mixup off of Level 3 DHCs after Gigantic Charge. One is shown on the character page, while the other is shown on the frame data page. Join. DBS Broly is an aggressive, versatile grappler who tears down his foes with his gigantic tool-kit, relentless frame traps, and a manifold of command grabs.
Occurs after Startup.Shows how many frames that the character must go through after its active frames to automatically go back to a neutral stance.The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent.The number of frames this attack has invulnerability, and what attribute(s) this invulnerability applies to.Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames.Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage. Absolutely horrifying frametrap or neutral check when Broly is in Limit Break or Sparking, as it's an almost guaranteed death combo from there. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent.The number of frames this attack has invulnerability, and what attribute(s) this invulnerability applies to.Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames.Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage.

Even though it looks like a good air-to-air, it's slow to the point you'll only use it for combos or to catch people trying to use Decent for High HSD combos into assists, but not much more than that. (X) = X is optional. Paragus, Broly's father, tracked his son down, and spent years training him to become the ultimate warrior and instrument of his plan for revenge against King Vegeta.

This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent.

This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent.The number of frames this attack has invulnerability, and what attribute(s) this invulnerability applies to.Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames.Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage. The fact that it can be an air throw or a ground throw is both a blessing and a curse. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent.

Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames.Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent.The number of frames this attack has invulnerability, and what attribute(s) this invulnerability applies to.Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames.Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage.
Occurs after Startup.Shows how many frames that the character must go through after its active frames to automatically go back to a neutral stance.The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. Broly is better suited for point and middle but can blow up opponents if you make good reads on your opponent so he is a volatile as an anchor character. Occurs after Startup.Shows how many frames that the character must go through after its active frames to automatically go back to a neutral stance.The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent.The number of frames this attack has invulnerability, and what attribute(s) this invulnerability applies to.Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames.Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage.