The fusion first appeared as "Fusion Frenzy" card in the Broly and his father are the main antagonists in the 2010 live-action battle show Broly is the movie character that appears in the highest number of video games, 34 in total. Because of this popularity, he was notable as being one of only two movie-exclusive characters to consistently appear in various video games, the only other being Bardock, as well as one of only two movie villains to gain more than one film appearance as the main antagonist, the only other being Cooler, as well as having the most appearances among the movie villains (having The fusion of Goku and Broly. He then encountered Future Trunks, and demanded he fight him to the fullest, otherwise he'll destroy the Earth. Broly's uncoordinated attempts to take revenge are unsuccessful, and he is ultimately launched into the As the "Super Tenkaichi Budokai" is taking place, Broly suddenly shows up before Goku and Vegeta in his new "Broly later encounters Android 18, who is busy collecting the Dragon Balls. Broly is recruited alongside Super Janemba into the Time Breakers controlled via Towa's new Supervillain spell. After defeating Piccolo, he then dismissed his prior opponents as insects before making clear as he's powering up that he's waiting for Goku's arrival. Broly knocks Bardock away and fights the Future Warrior, however, Bardock returns as a Great Ape to assist. Additionally, he will respect the Saiyan Future Warrior if they complete his training even stating they may be worthy of their Saiyan blood after all, just like he said to the Z Fighters in the Japanese version of Broly as an infant, bothered by the constant fussing of Kakarot, the baby in a neighboring cradleKing Vegeta feared the threat the boy posed to his empire, and so he gave the order for the infant's execution.
When he was a kid, he wore a black one-strap tunic with gray pants and brown boots, alongside a rope belt and bracelets. However, Koyama went on to state that Broly was a pushover compared to Legendary Super Saiyan Broly's power level listed at 1,400,000,000 in When encountered as a secret boss at the time of the In both games, it is heavily implied that Broly in his various Legendary Super Saiyan form (exempting Broly God) is weaker than Super Saiyan God, as special dialogue occurred between Super Saiyan God Goku and Broly where the latter asks in a terrified tone what the form was, with Goku stating he has gone to a new world that Broly can never enter. Broly is a light-skinned Saiyan with dark eyes and black spiky hair reaching his mid-back with short bangs framing his forehead. His thirst for combat and desire for death and destruction is unyielding, as shown by his destruction of Planet Shamo. When he was a kid, he wore a black one-strap tunic with gray pants and brown boots, alongside a rope belt and bracelets. However, his base form may have been weaker than Paragus, at least at the time he was first adorned with the crown, due to the latter proceeding to pin him down long enough to put the crown on him and struggling to knock Paragus away during his screaming fit. Emperor Pilaf manages to collect all seven but accidentally makes a wish to summon someone strong to scare away the tournament fighters that had been harassing him that results in the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly being summoned into Area 4F Timespace Rift, however, Broly went out of control looking for Kakarot and so the Pilaf Gang were forced to flee. Broly is fully taken control of and powered up by Demigra in in a Parallel Quest mission. Vegeta also arrives, having just been transported off Namek himself and watches the battle in awe. Presumably, shortly after this, he then notices Piccolo arriving and deduced that another insect had come to die. Eventually, he realizes that he is losing because he is not co-coordinating well enough with his team. After finding Pinich unconscious, Tekka leaves him in the care of However, when Towa encounters Broly, she reveals her true nature to Tekka's Team then transforms Broly into a Tekka's Team meet Adult Goku in Area 4F and he asks them how their training is going. His speech is now limited to uttering "Kakarot" (except for one rare exception) and he has a diminished sense of reality, as he mistakes Goten for a baby Goku even though he already encountered Goku as an adult seven years prior, and also mistook Gohan for an adult Goku.