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Viewing 18 reply threads If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Copyright © 2020 Red Chip Poker LLC. It looks like you're new here. The charts below show the Nash Equilibrium strategies for two player push-or-fold NLHE. Any time this type of player fires out a big RivDonkbet OOP after calling a double barrel at these stakes it'd be advisable to only call w/ basically the nuts.

Erik Seidel didn't call the all-in.Get the latest poker news, poker strategies, and special offers sent directly to your is the world's leading poker website. In the words of Saint Bon Scott from the almighty ACDC your top pair was "Shot Down In Flames" so good fold!Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 Improve your poker game while playing up to 500 hands an hour against the smartest artificially intelligent poker players ever designed. The infamous CkCall / CkCall / DonkShove death line from a weak/passive nitty player OOP in the microstakes almost always indicates a huge hand. Erik Seidel didn't call the all-in. I think I should be betting larger here, putting pressure on his calling range, while maximizing my value.Assuming the BB is on the flush draw (9 outs), my bet size on the turn is giving him 24.5% pot odds vs. his ~20% equity. The act of going all in, putting all of your chips on the line.Daniel Negreanu shoved for 1.5 million. I certainly appreciate your insight and time you've spent on this. In retrospect, I think my flop bet might be a bit small, making it easier for the BB to call with drawing hands. pot sized. Pick your hands, your position, and the style of your opponents. If our heads-up opponent has less chips than us and we call his all-in shove, we are still described as being “all-in” despite the fact that we … Poker training will never be the same. Good news is all of 3 remaining players are in the money for $400. Question 2: How does going all-in actually work in poker? As it played out I think you were totally smoked by a VERY strong hand. The act of going all in, putting all of your chips on the line. In this instance on this board the only hand I'd have called that RivShove w/ would've been if your King high flush draw came in. Players may never invest more than what is currently in their stack. all bet-sizes are waaaaay to nitty for a cash game. All rights reserved. Topics Poker Forum rivered 2 pair.. call or shove .. Usage: Daniel Negreanu shoved for 1.5 million. However, I'm not sure I'm 100% on board with a shove on the turn. This is a simplified game where the SB is only allowed to go all-in or fold, and the BB can either call or fold when facing a shove. The BB is a bit tight and if I do have the mortal nuts, the only thing he is calling my shove with would be the actual nuts. Among other things, visitors will find a daily dose of articles with the latest poker news, live reporting from tournaments, exclusive videos, podcasts and so much more.Be the first one to know when new EXCLUSIVE bonuses and games are available.+ Get the Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Texas Hold’em - FREE!
The main objective is to near double up to $750. This topic has 18 replies, 2,745 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Denny . For me the key lies in the fact you were playing a nit & the line they took on you. Your immediate concern is the lowest stack of which you hold 2-1 advantage, had he been the raiser shoving would have been a good option.
This week I have a hand to share that involves a tough preflop decision — to call or not to call a big preflop shove with pocket tens. I agree with you on my bet sizing, a bit too conservative. Thanks!