Collection and photo:Arliguie MSandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliA 3-dimensional specimen of translucent, botryoidal prehnite, actually with richer color in person, from new finds in Mali.Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliThis attractive specimen features a blocky 2.8 centimeter Epidote crystal embedded inside a 3 centimeter ball of Prehnite. Gemeinden: Nioro du Sahel (Hauptort), Baniéré Koré, Diabigué, Diarra, Diaye Coura, Gavinané, Gogui, Guétéma, Kadiaba Kadiel, Koréra Koré, Nioro Tougoumé Rangabé, Sandaré, … The gemminess and color of this crystal are rare and exceptional for Mali grossulars.
Zang, and Robert C. Kammerling (1995) Gem Quality Grossular-Andradite: A New Garnet from Mali. The top cluster is especially large and translucent.
Photo & Collection Chinellato Matteo The specimen is solid prehnite, with botryoidal forms all the way around and on both sides. specimen size = 2.7 x 2.4 x 2.4 cm.Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliFine combination specimen with a large blocky vesuvianite crystal measuring 6.5 x 6.5 x 5.5 cm in size, this with attached crystals of andradite to 3 cm in size. Acquired from Ali Diarra, in Bendougou December 2005 Collection and photo: Arliguie MSandaré diggings, Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliSpecimen size: 5x5x4cm
Online dating in Nioro du Sahel. The largest of these Melanite crystals measures a respectable 1.8 cm in size, which is good for this locality. A classic example of the well known modified dodecahedral/trapezohedral Grossular specimens from Mali. Ex. Nioro du Sahel often referred to as simply Nioro is a town and urban commune in the Kayes Region of western Mali, 241 km from the city of Kayes. Collection and photo, Paul De Bondt.
Typically, these crystals are found as single "floaters" off matrix, but this piece actually has a pair of crystals with sharp, lustrous faces, and the typical rich chocolate-brown exterior color.
[Note 2: Photo was deliberately rotated to the correct orientation.] This specimen is fully crystallized all around, except where it was attached to matrix on a portion of the rear. Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliA 3.3 by 3.3 cms group of the Melanite variety of Andradite. Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliSandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliSandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliSandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliSandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliThis is a prehnite specimen from the new finds in Mali! The scale under the specimen is an inch with a rule at one cm.Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliA 3.3 by 3.3 cms group of the Melanite variety of Andradite.
When they begin to get up into this range, vesuvianites tend to get rough and inrregular pockmarked surfaces, but this one actually has a lot of lustrous and sharp areas of its faces, particularly for its prodigious size.
JSS specimen and photo. Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliA single brown Grossular Garnet with a green core that is fully crystallized all around, except where it had been attached to matrix on the bottom. The scale under the specimen is an inch with a rule at one cm.Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliSemi-lustrous dark green prismatic crystals of epidote to 3.1 cm in length are set on matrix with spherical shaped pale green crystals of prehnite to 1.2 cm in diamater. Cube = 1 cm. The crystal shape is not often seen on pieces from Sandaré. The final touch to these "spheres" is that they are included with prismatic, dark green Epidote crystals.Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliFour translucent, intergrown balls of prehnite from new mining in Mali.Sandaré, Arrondissement Sandaré, Commune Sandaré, Nioro Cercle, Kayes Region, MaliA perfect, translucent sphere of prehnite, more green in person, intergrown with a crystal of epidote. A classic example of the well known modified dodecahedral/trapezohedral Grossular specimens from Mali.
A striking and uncommon example of the well-known grossular garnets from Mali. Cette page a pour but d'informer, de partager et surtout de sensibiliser les ressortissants et sympathisants du cercle de Nioro et ses environnants. From the collection of Bill Dameron, an absolutely immense crystal of vesuvianite, out of Mali. The crystal has a great luster and has only a little bit of minor edge-wear due to alluvial stream action.