Carte géologique du bassin sédimentaire côtier du Dahomey et du Togo Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems. Carte géologique du Togo / Togo. Please enter the subject. Sci. Etude hydrodynamique, hydrochimique, isotopique et modélisation de l'aquifère du bassin sédimentaire côtier du Togo. 778 – 790. When averaged spatially across the country, precipitation shows a relatively wet period between April and October; however this is split into two distinct wet seasons in the south of the country, which occur during April-July and September-October. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. RefWorks : The West-African Orogen and Circum Atlantic Correlatives. Projet 233. Reference Manager Please enter your name.The E-mail message field is required. Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization (Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours.
Many of these references can be accessed through the The geology map on this page shows a simplified overview of the geology at a national scale (see the The external zone comprises two metasedimentary structural units (Buem and Atacora), which are tectono-metamorphic equivalents of the lower and middle sequences of the Volta Basin. Le levé géologique systématique du pays fut entrepris entre les deux guerres par les géologues officiels du Gouver¬ nement de l'ancienne Afrique Occidentale Française et terminé après la seconde guerre mondiale. 1983.
Direction g\u00E9n\u00E9rale des mines, de la g\u00E9ologie et du bureau national de recherches mini\u00E8res,\" ; # France.
The tectono-stratigraphic relationships between the Upper Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic Volta Basin and the Pan-African Dahomeyide Orogenic Belt (West Africa). 236 - Carte pédologique du Togo : à l'échelle de 1:1000000. A partir de 1959, la recherche géologique et minière est devenue la compétence de la jeune République du Dahomey. Carte géologique du Togo / Author(s): Togo. The main groundwater dependent cities are listed in the table below, along with the volume of groundwater abstracted per year by the Togolese Company of Water (TdE, 2010). Harder rocks are generally more fractured, while schistose rocks are more deformable and therefore less fractured. The coastal basin contains the following aquifers in a layered system:
Etude par modèle mathématique de la structure et du fonctionnement d’un aquifère de socle exploité en région tropicale. AFFATON P, SEDDOH FK et SIMPARA N 1991b. Tourism has become less important to the economy since the 1990s because of political issues.
Responsible for the implementation of national policy related to water and sanitation, and for monitoring in collaboration with other ministries or institutions. The thickness of the water-bearing fractured zone is largely unknown. These aquifers generally only have thicknesses of 3 to 15 m and are usually exploited by large diameter wells. Carte géologique de la République du Gabon à 1/200 000, feuille Franceville – Boumango. The properties of this aquifer are largely unknown. The Volta Basin comprises sandstone and quartzite while the Coastal Basin is a layered sedimentary sequence that dips gently from north to south. # Togo.
Univ. d'Etat, Fac.
Groundwater is also widely used in the phosphate and other industries. Fractured basement aquifers have lower porosity (1%) and may produce yields of up to 120 m³/day (1 l/s).
EndNote Metamorphic evolution of Neoproterozoic eclogites from South Togo (West Africa).