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While visibly looking the same, the increase in power is illustrated by Cell's aura now sparking with electricity, identical in nature to a Super Saiyan 2, and in the manga, he confirms that he is a After being resurrected by Towa, Cell was turned into As more energy was collected for him he continued to get more powerful but was defeated by the Time Patrol in Age 1000. Even though he had evolved into his mature, Imperfect form, Cell still feared that he did not have the power he needed to forcibly absorb the Androids. The transcended Super Saiyan transformation is achieved by Vegeta and Future Trunks in the Cell saga.

With just Cell's injuries, including severed a arm and leg, after getting hit by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan's Ultimate KamehamehaGohan then begins dodging all of Cell's attacks, taunting him, with Cell continuing to not believe in this power Gohan sustains, refusing to be outdone by some sniveling Saiyan brat. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200%

17 denies this, stating that he is Gero's ultimate creation and he won't join with him. against King Piccolo), killing him (and Cell and Frieza by effect).
In a new area of the Timespace Rift (a demolished Kami's Lookout with fragments of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, dying planets, and meteorites being consumed by a massive black hole), Tekka and his team take on Ultra Pinich (who summons endless Cells and Friezas to assist him). Mr. Satan complies despite his fear, and the Android's headlands near Gohan. Gohan insists that he only has half the power he had originally, making it impossible to beat Cell, but Goku still insists that Gohan can beat him. Goku deflects Beerus' blast and tells Tekka's team to go after Ultra Pinich while he and Vegeta hold Beerus off. Cell even expressed discontent and outrage when Goku had decided to forfeit his battle against Cell. He was the one who put DBZ Broly in AF. However, despite his power, it was said that being hit by Vegeta's Final Flash would obliterate him, and by his own admission, his strength is inferior to Super Saiyan Third Grade Future Trunks.

After regenerating from his own self-destruction, Cell evolves into a state looking the same as his perfect form, but with an large increase in strength. The Future Warrior and Gohan manage to work together to weaken Dark Cell allowing Gohan with spiritual assistance from Goku to finish Cell off with the Father-Son Kamehameha correcting the timeline.

Eventually 17 demands Cell show himself only for Cell to appear behind and absorb him causing the mission to be a success, though Elder Kai notes that Cell’s success doesn't make it a happy ending though Chronoa states that its a part of the original history so they can't change it and things do eventually work themselves out in the end. Eventually Cell was finished being worked on by the super computer and emerged from the secret laboratory as this state that looks like a giant insect. Goku ensures Gohan that he is alright and he is fine in Other World and he is with King Kai.

Both Goku and Piccolo are rather shocked at this statement, and Piccolo seriously wonders how much the anger has affected his thought process. Super Saiyan 2 was Gohan to defeat Perfect Cell and Goku has used the transformation to take on incredibly powerful enemies. Cell's feet lose their toes and instead resemble shoes, though his tail remains much the same as it was in his Imperfect form. However, despite his usually cautious and savvy nature, Imperfect Cell could still be seen to be somewhat arrogant and narcissistic, seen by how he openly revealed his plans to Piccolo when under the impression that he had won. Now I can think him for creating Kale. At this point, Future Trunks loses all hope and allows Cell to kill him. He can also increase his muscle mass like Future Trunks, though he chooses not to.