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<> <> All The 3x3 marks (including but not limited to the FIBA 3x3 Endorsement Stamp, the FIBA 3x3 Infinity Logo and the 3x3 word mark) are FIBA intellectual property, protected by trade mark and/or copyright laws around the world. C'est un peu le classement individuel de tous les joueurs de 3x3 sur la planète. For questions, please contact 3x3@fiba.basketballThe green/red arrow shows the change in the ranking in the last month.For more information, check out the Ranking Quick Guide and Full Guide Copyright FIBA. <> 13 0 obj 6 0 obj l�kȐd���5j�p��Ƙ��0Um��%��p�GO�0��s�螠��8|�|M �T�:pi}�e#�6�����n9�� p�R�=C"C[�G�zkG��=� ,��HPei�\�S��|�l�r�IZ{��/�&��.q`.-5r..+��`�2c����B1�@�mlЋ��6 �o(��ס����A��.H��Y^E�+Z+�I��}~��� �����E�܆�E�z*�e�V�`=�� E���5�IE"�7އ�Y��3{*J�B��^ �P���@Yɲ FIBA 3x3 Ranking Full Guide 2020 Page 4 of 12 Therefore individual ranking points are awarded to each players based on the formula, albeit subject to certain corrections (see below table in section 2): * The actual number of 8 0 obj

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endobj The 3x3 marks (including but not limited to the FIBA 3x3 Endorsement Stamp, the FIBA 3x3 Infinity Logo and the 3x3 word mark) are FIBA intellectual property, protected by trade mark and/or copyright laws around the world. endobj The FIBA 3x3 Team Ranking is calculated by adding up the The Team Ranking is used at the start of the season to determine which teams preferentially qualify directly to the professional circuit (The blue tickmark next to the team name or the player data means the data has been validated by FIBA for the current season. 14 0 obj endobj 5 0 obj "�)l���C&�$U���h���Q�'��l���G��qj����#C�T��P��>2�Ñ�adW�X♤��"4�6��gT�"��I(

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10 0 obj The FIBA 3x3 team Ranking is used at the end of the season to determine which teams qualify directly for the professional season (FIBA 3x3 World Tour and 3x3 Challengers) in the following year.

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Numéro 1 au classement tricolore et 63ème au classement FIBA 3x3, Kevin Corre a marqué les terrains de jeux français notamment à Toulouse en remportant l’Open de France 2018, mais aussi internationaux comme pendant les étapes du FIBA 3x3 World … All stream <>

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Tu intègreras le ranking FIBA 3x3 et tu pourras te mesurer à tous les autres joueurs de la planète !

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9 0 obj The 3x3 marks (including but not limited to the FIBA 3x3 Endorsement Stamp, the FIBA 3x3 Infinity Logo and the 3x3 word mark) are FIBA intellectual property, protected by trade mark and/or copyright laws around the world. <>/Metadata 586 0 R/ViewerPreferences 587 0 R>>