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In our most recent publication, we make it explicit that top security officials led Arafat’s dead body into the venue where he was laid to state. As reported earlier, today, August 31, 2019 marks the burial of Ivorian superstar, DJ Arafat who parted ways with the living in a gory motor accident.Taking into consideration his influence in and outside the country, many families, friends and music lovers of DJ Arafat broke down in tears as his corpse was laid in state.It’s worth knowing that DJ Arafat’s funeral is currently being held in the capital town of Cote d’ivoire. As it’s stands, the funeral ground is full to it’s capacity. Are you sure you want to delete your account?Your account has been deleted! Arafat was born as Ange Didier Houon on 26 January 1986. Users are obliged to speak respectfully to the other participants in the discussion, readers and individuals referenced in the posts.The websites’ administration has the right to delete comments made in languages ​​other than the language of the majority of the websites’ content.In all language versions of the websites any comments posted can be edited.The administration has the right to block a user’s access to the page or delete a user’s account without notice if the user is in violation of these rules or if behavior indicating said violation is detected.Users can initiate the recovery of their account / unlock access by contacting the moderators at If the moderators deem it possible to restore the account / unlock access, it will be done.In the case of repeated violations of the rules above resulting in a second block of a user’s account, access cannot be restored. Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. DJ Arafat’s parents are Tina Glamour, a singer, and the deceased musician and sound engineer Houon Pierre. READ ALSO >>> See photos of DJ Arafat’s corpse laid in state. On Saturday, his casket was placed at a stadium in Abidjan for a public funeral ceremony. Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. Taking into consideration his influence in and outside the country, many families, friends and music lovers of DJ Arafat broke down in tears as his corpse … © Copyright 2018 - 2020, a subsidiary of Dreambase Media Network. © 2020 Sputnik. All rights reserved "We wanted to see the body of our idol before the tomb was sealed," one fan, who did not give his name, said as quoted by AFP.Ivorian singer DJ Arafat died in a motorbike crash in Abidjan on 12 August at the age of 33. En savoir plus sur notre Depuis la mort brutale de DJ Arafat, lundi 12 août dernier, de nombreuses rumeurs circulent sur la véracité de cette disparition. DJ Arafat Wife. à 12h58 Après une cérémonie d’inhumation sans incident en Côte d’Ivoire dans la nuit du 30 août, ce samedi 31 août le corps du DJ Arafat a été déterré par ses fans. He was also considered the "king" of coupe-decale (cut and run) -- an Ivorian form of dance music.We are committed to protecting your personal information and we have updated our Privacy Policy to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new EU regulation that went into effect on May 25, 2018.Since you already shared your personal data with us when you created your personal account, to continue using it, please check the box below:If you do not want us to continue processing your data, please If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at: The fact of registration and authorization of users on Sputnik websites via users’ account or accounts on social networks indicates acceptance of these rules.Users are obliged abide by national and international laws. DJ Arafat Age. DJ Arafat Parents, Family. WhatsApp Arafat was not married. "Nous avions voulu voir le corps de notre idole avant la fermeture du tombeau", a justifié l'un de ces "fans", interrogé par un journaliste de l'AFP présent sur place. L'annonce de son décès après un accident de moto avait suscité une vive émotion.Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter.Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire. Many stars and celebrities not excluding Davido have trooped in their numbers to bid final farewell to the superstar.His dead body had to be escorted by a lot of security officials in a convoy due to demands of his fans to see him in order to believe that he is indeed dead.Yesterday, about 30,000 fans gathered at his night vigil.