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She arranged that Eleanor go to England for education, and Eleanor readily agreed. Ya tsira daga faduwar amma ya mutu sakamakon amare. Komawa Amurka, ta auri dan uwanta na biyar da zarar an cire ta, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a cikin 1905.

She once told her daughter Anna that it was an "ordeal to be borne".In September 1918, Roosevelt was unpacking one of Franklin's suitcases when she discovered a bundle of love letters to him from her social secretary, This proved a turning point in Roosevelt and Sara's long-running struggle, and as Eleanor's public role grew, she increasingly broke from Sara's control.Roosevelt's son Elliott authored numerous books, including a mystery series in which his mother was the detective. Masana, ciki har da Lillian Faderman Dangantakar Roosevelt da Miller ta faru ne a daidai lokacin da mijinta yake da wata jita-jita ta dangantaka da sakataren sa, Marguerite "Missy" LeHand. Roosevelt da 'yarta Anna sun sami kansu cikin damuwa bayan da ta kama wasu ayyukan zamantakewa na mahaifiyarta a Fadar White House. Ta yi farin ciki da rawar da Hall ta yi a makarantar, kuma tana alfahari da nasarorin ilimi da yawa, wanda ya haɗa da digiri na biyu a aikin injiniya daga Harvard . Roosevelt da 'yarta Anna sun sami kansu cikin damuwa bayan da ta kama wasu ayyukan zamantakewa na mahaifiyarta a Fadar White House. A 15, ta halarci Allenwood Academy a London kuma shugaban kula da shugabar mata Marie Souvestre ya yi tasiri sosai. Yayinda yake halartar Groton, ta rubuta shi kusan kullun, amma koyaushe yana jin taɓawa da laifi cewa Hall bai sami cikakkiyar ƙuruciya ba.

The cottage had been her home after the death of her husband and was the only residence she had ever personally owned.This article is about the First Lady of the United States. Her parents are Anna Roosevelt Dall and her first husband Curtis Bean Dall. Ta ce matsalar ba wai kawai yawa ce ba amma inganci, tunda yahudawa “sun bambanta da kanmu” kuma har yanzu ba su isa ba. After her husband’s death in 1945, Eleanor Roosevelt continued to live on the Hyde Park Estate in a stone cottage near the main house. Ma'auratan sun yi aure ne a ranar 17 ga Maris, 1905, a wani bikin da Endicott Peabody, shugaban ango a makarantar Groton ya shirya .

Dangantaka ta kara tabarbarewa saboda Roosevelt yana matukar son ya tafi tare da mijinta zuwa Yalta a watan Fabrairun 1945 (watanni biyu kafin mutuwar FDR), amma ya dauki Anna a maimakon.

[18] Roosevelt ta yarantaka asarar bar ta yiwuwa zuwa ciki cikin rayuwar ta.

Kishiyarta ba ta ragu ba, musamman yadda abokantakarta da Bernard Baruch ke ƙaruwa. His legs remained permanently paralyzed. Roosevelt was a member of the prominent American Roosevelt an
Su biyun sun fara musayar sirri da soyayya, kuma sun yi aiki a ranar 22 ga Nuwamba, 1903. [33] Sara also sought to control the raising of her grandchildren, and Roosevelt reflected later that "Franklin's children were more my mother-in-law's children than they were mine".

It was known in the In the same years, Washington gossip linked Roosevelt romantically with New Deal administrator Roosevelt's friendship with Miller occurred at the same time that her husband had a rumored relationship with his secretary, Marguerite "Missy" LeHand. [17] Mahaifinta, an giya tsare a wani sanitarium, ya mutu a kan Agusta 14, 1894, bayan tsalle daga wani taga a lokacin da wani Fit na delirium tremens .


She even wrote using a male name “Chuck Painton” about her hunting experiences in a popular hunting magazine of that time, In July 1949, her unsure attitude toward American Catholics caused a public debate with In any case, Eleanor was never as popular among Catholics as her husband.

Ta hanyar mahaifiyarsa, ita 'yace ga 'yar wasan Tenis ce ta Valentine Gill "Vallie" Hall III da Edward Ludlow Hall .

The townhouse that Sara gave to them was connected to her own residence by sliding doors, and Sara ran both households in the decade after the marriage.

Early on, Roosevelt had a breakdown in which she explained to Franklin that "I did not like to live in a house which was not in any way mine, one that I had done nothing about and which did not represent the way I wanted to live", but little changed. Anna kuma tana ɗan jin kunyar bayyanar 'yarta. His legs remained permanently paralyzed. Eight foreign governments used to support and fund the Bureau. Even before Eleanor married FDR, She did not have a good relationship with Sara Delano. President Harry S. Truman later called her the "First Lady of the World" in tribute to her human rights achievements. Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship, based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers. Alice ita da kawarta sun yi sulhu bayan ɗan ƙarshen sun rubuta wa Alice wasiƙar ta’aziyya game da mutuwar ’yar Alice, Paulina Longworth. Sun ci gaba har zuwa mutuwar Harrington a 2000, shekaru goma bayan mutuwar Elliott. Tana da ƙuruciya da ba ta jin daɗi, saboda mutuwar mahaifan da ɗayan atar uwanta a ƙarami.