I’ve added it and you’ve been credited -skycloudsoceanProbably debuting in early 2019, either as their own sub-unit a la LOONA or tgt with FLAVOR as the full 6-mmbr group.– Favorite flavors: Cheese, sweet and chocolate flavorsI know, but for some reason she or her company decided to romanize it as chiayion her kprofile if you look at her name you’ll see the 李 嘉義 and that translates to li jiayi.I think it’s a case of how Taiwan chooses to romanize vs how China does. If you only care about one member in the group (controversial, but OK), or if you want to highlight a specific member's talents, these are for you. Who tf came up with that gross trend. If they have a loyal fanbase who loves them, and their music videos already have millions of views, why spam fancam replies at all?
After all, posting fancams still ultimately benefits the poster. is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company.
Most recently, fancams tweets popped up after the death of Disney Channel star, oh you’re right, it’s the “maybe if Cameron Boyce stanned ...” or “did this” tweets :/ But he's not the only one who received harassment — after K-pop idol Samuel Kim's father was murdered, some posted fancams alluding to the death to promote their idols.Many of the accounts posting nasty comments have since been ratted out as trolls trying to make K-pop stans look bad, but there seem to be enough of them that are genuine (or genuinely delusional) to catch the i fucking know people who do the "maybe if he stanned..." are trolls but where did they get that from??? Loona : I am not a big fan of their songs and I don't really like the fandom way of promoting their group (the reply fancam trend really bothered me) I don't have anything against the members it's just that nothing is helping me getting into themNot every event is an opportunity for promoting your faves.
Produced by fansites and proliferated by social media, fancams are videos focused on a specific idol during concerts, awards shows, or music variety show performances.
The Jiayi/Chiayi confusion might be something similar…? Fancams have become a quintessential part of the K-pop experience, so they won't be going away anytime soon. Usually accompanied by It might seem like a harmless way to drum up support for the groups, and it's not all that different from any fan expressions of love online. And K-pop fans are frustrated that the behavior of a few reflects poorly upon them as a whole fandom. But more recently, fancams are being used as a force to derail posts, shut down criticism, and outright harass people after tragic events.
-skycloudsoceanKim Doah is also in a kdrama which will air on 27th maydoah is on the web-drama i am not a robot (로봇이 아닙니다)@disqus_DJ5yeVT8wn:disqus Thanks a lot for the info, it’s much appreciated! They consists of: Sika, Doah, Chiayi, Yoonhye, Via, Rayeon, Chaelin and Doi. Like for example: someone is being really horrible and then there’s a reply of a Jin fancam, as if Jin would even want to be associated with such negativity. There are consequences, however minimal, for the fans and the idols themselves. Of course you should uplift lesser-known artists you believe in — BTS I really hate anyone who reply to a tweet with a fancam of their idol not related to the actual topic of the original tweet.
in 2019 Doah will Enroll at SOPA high School along side IZONE Ahn Yujin and Fromis_9 Jiheon and she Choose Music Department.Please update the profile intro and state that Flavor debuted on November 26 2018. By continuing to browse this website, you declare to accept the use of cookies. ARMYs are well-known for a similar tactic: Spamming the replies of people making ignorant or casually xenophobic remarks about BTS with But it's hard not to feel slightly cynical about these good efforts. @njod26:disqus Thanks a lot for the info, it’s much appreciated! That's not to say that someone posting a fancam reply on stan Twitter will send a direct hit to an idol, or fans', reputation. nah, we all spoke well & spoke out against their wrong decision while clearly laying out an explanation with each point. The plan to register for Trump's Tulsa rally as a prank was spread by TikTok teens, K-pop stans on Twitter, countless more ppl on Insta and Snapchat. They officially debuted with their 1st mini-album on August 6, 2019. Am I the only one who really dislikes seeing fancams when there is drama? Even if you don't hang in K-pop Twitter circles, it's becoming hard to avoid the trend. Non-fans, called locals, are confused. When Hyewon, Sangah, and Rensika are going to debut?It’s probably safe to assume they’ll debut in early 2019, either as another sub-unit first a la Loona or as a full group together with Flavor.There’re 2 points under Doah’s profile abt her attending SOPA’s music department, I think they can be merged. They never really managed to catch much public attention after their debut in 2012, and their 2014 single "Up & Down" was failing miserably on the charts. K-pop is slowly showing the growing pains of an oversaturated market (as of 2018, there were The behavior starts to really grind peoples' gears when users posting fancams wave off all other acts in favor of their own (at best), and, at worst, derail actual critiques and constructive discourse.