All rights reserved. And I love putting modern African sculpture with an Ancient Greek head and an 18th century painting,” she says. You can stare at them for hours and see different things every day.”She has several works by the French-Algerian artist Adel Abdessemed to remind her of her heritage, but her favorite piece is an Ancient Egyptian sculpture of Sekhmet, a warrior goddess with the head of a lion. Aspiring to a different kind of life, she ran away to Paris at the age of 16. Together, they went out at … J'ai fait du cinéma, c'était pas mon truc non plus ! © 2020 Nervora Fashion, Inc. and Condé Nast International. Farida Khelfa grew up in the Lyon suburbs surrounded by eight brothers and sisters. We are parsing more detailed wiki about Farida Khelfa that we will modernise within 24 to 48 hours. Follow Vogue Arabia A favorite chair with a carved head by Bandia Camara, known in the family as the “African king chair,” is where Khelfa, a great reader, sits every morning devouring e-books. Khelfa was one of 11 children born to strict Algerian parents in the suburbs of Lyon. Descubre esta foto de Farida Khelfa dentro de las 6 fotos de Farida Khelfa disponibles en “Of course you say, ‘I love my house!’ But the reality was, ‘I’m by myself in a house!’ Now, I do love it and don’t know if I could go back to an apartment. À propos du chausseur, elle précise leur première rencontre, « c'est probablement au Palace, très surement en dansant.C'était notre truc: passer la nuit à danser sur des tubes disco« Je l'ai connue quand on était toutes les deux mannequins »Farida Khelfa, avant de partir dans le studio de création de « J'étais mannequin, mais ça ne me plaisait pas.
Farida Khelfa is an actress and director, known for (2008), (2013) and (1987).
She has acted in 17 films, and is a filmmaker, too, with documentaries on Gaultier, Louboutin, and Nicolas Sarkozy (Carla Bruni Sarkozy is a close friend), as well as two on youth and women in the Photographed by Matthieu Salvang for Vogue Arabia October 2019Furniture is singularly eclectic. White-painted walls set off wide oak floorboards and vaulted ceilings that lend the space the serenity of a midcentury American chapel. As well as the wooded airplane models that he has collected since childhood. Seydoux, father (from his first marriage) of actor Léa and stylist Camille, is the CEO of telecommunications company Parrot and co-founder ofThe Philippe Starck-designed glass extension opens on to a courtyard garden. At 16, she ran away to Paris. As in 2020, Farida Khelfa‘s age is * years. En 2010, elle réalise un documentaire sur le couturier Jean-Paul Gaultier, Toujours proche des arts, Farida Khelfa participe avec « une des personnes les moins sûres d'elles que j'aie pu rencontrer »« Farida avait une beauté incroyable, ce nez, cette allure, ces cheveux. Overview. […] Tout ce qui importait, c'était le look du soir.
See more ideas about Fashion, Style, Ageless style. So, voila!”Luckily, Khelfa and her husband, Henri Seydoux, had someone to help them through: their good friend Philippe Starck, no less, transformed the house to breathtaking effect.
Farida Khelfa, Actress: Paris. They have two children. I like George Lilanga, Moké, and the furniture of Gonçalo Mabunda.
“The staircase really made the shape of the house,” says Khelfa.
“I wasn’t busy at the time, so it was my job to hang the art.” She laughs. Farida Khelfa is an actress and director, known for Paris (2008), Opium (2013) and Jeux d'artifices (1987). “It’s like living in a museum, but it’s not ceremonious because you can touch everything,” she says.The top floor office of Khelfa’s husband Henry Sedoux if filled with objects D’Art from around the world. She’s since managed Alaïa’s fashion business and then Gaultier’s haute couture line, and was an ambassador for Schiaparelli when it relaunched under Diego Della Valle. As in 2020, Farida Khelfa‘s age is * years.
… The couturier and his muse Farida Khelfa are engrossed in each other’s presence. Habituée des nuits du Palace au début des années 1980, puis des Bains Douches, elle devient mannequin grâce au couturier Jean-Paul Gaultier jusqu'en 1993, travaille avec Azzedine Alaïa et Jean-Paul Goude, puis devient également actrice pendant cinq ans jusqu'en 1990, date à laquelle elle suspend ses activités cinématographiques pour les reprendr… In the capital, she made several encounters. Looking for some great streaming picks? Photographed by Matthieu Salvang for Vogue Arabia October 2019The collection of contemporary African art is possibly the foremost in France and a source of delight to Khelfa – if you follow her lively Instagram feed, you’ll see her out and about at openings supporting artists from that continent and beyond.