In the first place, the tripoint Mopti/Gourma-Rharous/Dori was not far distant from the pool of Soum, and it seems to have been located to the east of that pool. Thus, as early as 29 November 1961, they gave institutional shape to the regular meetings already held during the colonial period between the heads of the frontier districts, by establishing a "mixed commission composed of the Before turning to the various kinds of evidence invoked by the Parties to support their claims in regard to the line of the frontier, the Chamber must dispose of a further preliminary question, namely : what are its powers in the matter of fixing the tripoint which forms the end-point of the frontier between the Parties. According to Burkina Faso, the fact that the 1935 Order modified the administrative situation of the villages can be inferred from the obvious discrepancy between the provisions of the Order and the official maps of the period, from the The Legal Sub-Commission presented its report to the Mediation Commission on 14 June 1975, suggesting "that the Parties should accept the following...". Les combats réactualisent un conflit vieux de deux décennies qui se réglera définitivement après une guerre de 5 jours. In less than 3 minutes you'll find everything you need to know about Jus Mundi and how to take full advantage of our search engine."The Government of the Republic of the Upper Volta and the Government of the Republic of Mali, Desiring to achieve as rapidly as possible a settlement of the frontier dispute between them, based in particular on respect for the principle of the intangibility of frontiers inherited from colonization, and to effect the definitive delimitation and demarcation of their common frontier, Referring to the Agreement concluded between them with a view to the settlement of the frontier dispute between them, 1. In consequence, except when the maps are in the category of a physical expression of the will of the State, they cannot in themselves alone be treated as evidence of a frontier, since in that event they would form an irrebuttable presumption, tantamount in fact to legal title. Here again, the two Parties agree that the Order and its erratum were duly adopted by the administrative authority with jurisdiction in the matter, and that these texts are relevant to the present case. (6) From point H, the line follows the IGN line as far as the point with the geographical co-ordinates 0° 26' 35" W and 15° 05' 00" N (point I) ; from there it turns towards the south-east and continues straight as far as point J defined below. It concluded that that text could not be set aside
It follows, in the Chamber’s opinion, that even for Burkina Faso the administrative boundaries shown on the Blondel la Rougery map as compiled by the Geographical Service do not in themselves possess any particular authority.
A copy of this sketch-map will be found in a pocket at the end of this fascicle or inside the back cover of the volume of When 60 jihadists were killed and 40 captured in Burkina Faso's northern Sahel region one day in April, the country's beleaguered armed forces didn't claim victory: A rival jihadist group did.The attack was among three reports of infighting in as many days between the al-Qaeda linked Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM) and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS), a regional offshoot of the so-called Islamic State.The rival organisations, which had previously tolerated each other - appearing to even cooperate on some level - are now in open conflict.
Sur la carte du Burkina Faso du Quai d’Orsay, la « couleur orange » se réduit peu à peu. Consequently, it is not necessary for the Chamber further to construe the 1927 Order with the aim of determining its legal validity ; it will suffice, at a later stage in this Judgment, to examine the value of the Order, of the erratum and of the They are requesting the Chamber to ascertain what, in the disputed area, was the frontier between the It is hardly surprising that the letter did not mention the ford, given that its text was based on the Blondel la Rougery map.