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EU Rejects Belarus Election, Stops Short of Calling for New... Freitag 07.08.2020 9:00 - Burundi kämpft endlich gegen das Virus, aber auch gegen die Opposition Putschisten und regierungstreue Soldaten kämpfen in Burundi um die Kontrolle über die Hauptstadt Bujumbura. Goodyear Responds to ‘Misconceptions’ After Trump Urged Boyc... U.S. Election Security Chief Warns of Threats During Slow Co...

Augenzeugen berichteten von einem methodischen Gemetzel.Ein beinahe mystischer Ruf eilt den königlichen Trommlern aus dem kleinen Land Burundi voraus. Kindly Share This Story: Evariste Ndayishimiye. Biden’s Old Boss Gets a Turn to Offer Praise: Convention Upd... UN investigators have called on Burundi's new president to improve the country's human rights record and break the cycle of violence. South Africa Starts Talks With Potential Buyers of State Air... Economic output could contract 5.5% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. General elections were held in Burundi on 20 May 2020 to elect both the president and the National Assembly. In Burundi will eine Clique um den geistig zunehmend entrückten Präsidenten mit allen Mitteln an der Macht bleiben. Kuwait Can’t Pay Salaries Beyond October, Minister Tells Par... Während Burundis Regierung eine Coronainfektion als Ursache kategorisch ausschließt, mehren sich Spekulationen in der Bevölkerung.Mehr als 60 Menschen sollen in Burundi in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres getötet worden sein.

East African nation wants $43 billion from Belgium, Germany Biden’s Old Boss Gets a Turn to Offer Praise: Convention Upd... Photographer: Tchanduru Nitanga/AFP via Getty ImagesPhotographer: Tchanduru Nitanga/AFP via Getty ImagesPhotographer: Tchanduru Nitanga/AFP via Getty ImagesBurundi wants Belgium and Germany to pay $43 billion in reparations for harm done during decades of colonial rule over the nickel-producing East African nation.The move follows similar calls for compensation by the Democratic Republic of Congo after Belgian King Philippe in June offered his “deepest regrets” over his nation’s colonial past in the Congo. More than five million Burundians are expected to vote at about 1,500 polling stations.President Pierre Nkurunziza, right, with the presidential candidate Evariste Ndayishimiye, center, and his wife, Angelique Ndayubaha, at a campaign rally in Bujumbura, Burundi, on Saturday.Supporters of the ruling party gathered for the start of the election campaign in Bugendana, Burundi, in late April.Agathon Rwasa, presidential candidate of the main opposition party, addressing supporters in Gitega, Burundi, on Sunday.Burundians washed their hands as a preventive measure against the coronavirus in Gatumba, Burundi, on Monday.Onesphore Nibigira/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Gute Nachrichten aus Afrika sind eine Seltenheit. Der Putschversuch war von der Bevölkerung nicht als Bedrohung, sondern als Befreiung von einem Regime verstanden worden.Die Aufständischen im ostafrikanischen Burundi sehen ihren Putsch als gescheitert an. Über das Phänomen HochrisikotourismusBewaffnete Gruppen versuchen, die Gefängnisse zu stürmen, Zivilisten sollen erschossen worden sein, Soldaten inhaftiert. Trump’s Postal Chief Fails to Quell Vote-by-Mail Uproar 11 August 2020, 03:01 UTC Burundi’s new government, under the leadership of President Evariste Ndayishimiye, was sworn into office sooner than expected, following the sudden death of the outgoing President Pierre Nkurunziza in June. Biden’s Old Boss Gets a Turn to Offer Praise: Convention Upd...