Dokkan Battle INT Goku Jr 100%Pot+All links+Crit+10SA 超知 孫悟空Jr 100%解放+全部リンク+会心+Lv10必殺 - Duration: 1:10. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of the mobile game. Awakened UR Quickening Superpower - Goku Jr. Super INT. Eternal Bloodline Vegeta Jr. Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost ID 80/100 1/10 12/17 11133 15 Feb 2019 23 Jul 2019 Type Ki+1 and HP, ATK& DEF+25% Victory Rush Causes extreme damage to enemy Vegeta's Descendant ATK& DEF+20% at start of turn; ATK+30% for 3 turns after receiving attack The Saiyan Lineage Ki+1 - Royal Lineage Ki+1 - Infighter ATK+10%, Enemy DEF -10% - GT Ki+2 - Saiyan Warrior …
Go to Full-On Strike Goku (Youth) (Giant Ape), Go to Full-On Strike Goku (Youth) (Giant Ape) 1 of 2. Fin de l’event dans : = Détails de « Battle … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Goku Jr possède moins de réduction de dégâts contre les personnages de type , et (SUPER et EXTRÊME compris) Les personnages de la Catégorie - Famille de Vegeta infligeront plus de dégâts. ... Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Courage Awakened Super Saiyan Goku Jr.: Max LvL 120, Rarity UR, Type Super INT, Cost 32, Leader Skill: INT Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%, Super Attack: Brave Smash causes supreme damage to enemy, Passive Skill: Unbeatable Courage *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Welcome to the Dokkan Battle Community! super saiyan 3 warriors! Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Go to Courage Awakened Super Saiyan Goku Jr., Go to Courage Awakened Super Saiyan Goku Jr. 1 of 2 Goku (Angel) & Vegeta (Angel) Dokkan Festival: Otherworld Super Warrior Goku (Angel) & Vegeta (Angel) (LR Gogeta), New TEQ Goku, Clashing Pride Vegeta, The Supreme Fusion Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, Path to Victory Super Gogeta.... Goku & Vegeta Dokkan Festivals: Eternal Rivalry Goku & Vegeta (LR Vegito), New TEQ Goku, Clashing Pride Vegeta, Fusion of the Ultimate Rival Super Vegito, Limitless Fusion Super Vegito........ Category Movie Bosses: Consists of the main antagonists from tha movies like: LR Boujack, LR Broly and any character like Tapion, Frieza, Coora........ Information about Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Pure Saiyans Link Skills categories that consists of characters who are pure Saiyan by birth Dragon ball z dokkan battle | type and compatibility Amass!
Miraculous Outcome Goku & Frieza (Final Form) (Angel): Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super TEQ, Cost 77, Leader Skill: "Representatives of Universe 7" category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +177; or TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Super Attack: Limitbreaking Assault; Miracle of Universe 7, Passive Skill: Miraculous Cooperation Merciless Condemnation Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Extreme TEQ, Cost 77, Leader Skill: TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Super Attack: Holy Light Grenade; Concerto Slash, Passive Skill: Zero Mortals Plan Golden Fist Super Saiyan 3 Goku: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super TEQ, Cost 77, Leader Skill: Super TEQ Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%; Extreme TEQ Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%, Super Attack: Instant Transmission Kamehameha; Dragon Fist, Passive Skill: Certain Triumph Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu (Goku) (Ginyu Force): Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super TEQ, Cost 99, Leader Skill: "Ginyu Force" category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%, Super Attack: Milky Cannon; Special Fighting Assault, Passive Skill: Malevolent Magnificence Extraordinary Friendship Hercule: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super TEQ, Cost 99, Leader Skill: All Types HP and DEF +100%, Super Attack: Present Bomb; Hercule's Miracle, Passive Skill: The Bond with Majin Buu Everlasting Legend Super Saiyan Goku: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super TEQ, Cost 99, Leader Skill: All Types Ki +3, ATK +3000, Super Attack: Super Kamehameha; Super Spirit Bomb, Passive Skill: Crucial Battle Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior): Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Extreme INT, Cost 77, Leader Skill: Extreme INT Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%; Super INT Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%, Super Attack: Galactic Buster; Galactic Suppression, Passive Skill: A Galaxy in Shadow Fused Super Power Super Saiyan Goku & Vegeta: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super INT, Cost 77, Leader Skill: "Potara" category Ki +3, HP & ATK +170% and DEF +130%; or INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Super Attack: Kamehameha Big Bang Attack; Final Strategy, Passive Skill: Strongest Duo Full-Tilt Kamehameha Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth): Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super INT, Cost 77, Leader Skill: INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Super Attack: Father-Son Kamehameha (12-17 Ki); Father-Son Kamehameha (18+ Ki), Passive Skill: Father's Encouragement Unwavering Bond Tien & Chiaotzu: Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super AGL, Cost 99, Leader Skill: All Types ATK & DEF +100%, Super Attack: Double Dodon Ray; Strike of Bond, Passive Skill: Warrior of Earth's Mettle Android Category: consists all cards from Android.
special missions!
Courage Awakened - Super Saiyan Goku Jr. Mon 07/06/2020 05:00 pm PDT ~ Mon 08/10/2020 04:59 pm PDT.
► SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z-Awakening with special medals from the Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. New Cards: Android 21, Android 17 but only on Japan Version. Popular Pages Today. Dokkan Info 24,110 views 1:10 he’s a beast! ... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle.
100% rainbow star fully eza goku jr. showcase!