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I’ve been so many times to the abandoned town of Nichitsu, always passing by the mine but never daring to go in until one autumn evening with a lovely sunset. I rent a car there to travel with my friend Satoshi and see the haikyos. I will post here three photos, taken at different times: 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2017. In its heyday it was the biggest mine for sulfur in the Eastern world. Very tacky place, but great for photographs! Tokyo is the most populated city in the whole world with over 13 million people residing there. The town it once supported had a population of over 5,000, and the town had it’s own community centre as well numerous other facilities.Indiana Jones! Can you spot the differences?The best time to visit is probably autumn, with its profusion of magnificently coloured foliage.Nichitsu Mine was challenging for us. I’ve visited Nichitsu Ghost Town (ニッチツ鉱山村) several times, the first time was in 2010, and the last was in 2017. Here are 5 of Japan’s best.

On the surface, Japan seems like a country with highly populated metropolises of high technology and sky-high accommodation prices. Under dense vegetation, there is a resort once popular with the Japanese from Fukuoka and Tokyo. Now the site is owned by Mitsubishi, who run guided tours around the highlights and a museum for 1,000 yen.One legend of Osarizawa mine involves a gorgon-headed lion with the wings of a phoenix, the legs of a cow and the head of a snake. The first floor was designed for young childless couples, with one 6-mat room and kitchen per flat, while upper floors were for couples with children, with one 8-mat room, one 6-mat room, and a kitchen.

When the mine seams gave out the jobs went away and the people left. I can’t quite remember where it is, but there is a coal mining museum in the city where you could ask for directions.Excellent article! Weren’t those those the ones that made the Fantastic Four? Ghost Town of Japan | รอบโลก By กรุณา บัวคำศรี 1/2 - YouTube Bear Grylls might eat the brain up. I can see this hall and the statue becoming an abandoned property if the Japanese economy hits the skids.Jon- Thanks a lot for the tip, I`ll look out for it. The bosses lived in pleasant houses with tiled roofs and good exposure to the sun, whereas the ordinary workers’ apartments along the riverside or on the cliff slopes had no bathrooms.Sometime in the ’80s, the once prosperous village was abandoned. I’ve visited Nichitsu Ghost Town (ニッチツ鉱山村) several times, the first time was in 2010, and the last was in 2017. Soon, the place was abandoned. The city was known as the “paradise above the clouds” for its comparatively luxurious apartment blocks and near-constant ebb and flow of mist. I never fail to take friends interested in The abandoned tin-mining village, about 50 km from Chichibu in Saitama, can also be reached from Kofu in Yamanashi. Yum!My favorite was Taro with collection pools for Cosmic Rays. The abandoned tin-mining village, about 50 km from Chichibu in Saitama, can also be reached from Kofu in Yamanashi. In the final one he managed to slit open the beast’s belly, from which poured gold, copper and lead.Matsuo mine in the north of Japan opened in 1914 and closed in 1969. It had a workforce of 4,000 and a wider population of 15,000, all of whom were accommodated in a make-shift city in the mountains of Hachimantai park. SY- I wouldn`t trust that crazy Bear with my grandmother- he`d probably eat her too. There were two schools, a clinic, a post office and even a cinema. It is the perfect place to shoot a rock music video. Its roar and monstrous appetite for children terrified the nearby villagers, who urged the village’s wisest old man to go battle it on the mountain top. A very short article, but on time for once ;)It is a very sunny winter morning. If you long to be Indiana Jones, this is where you need to go. I used to look for just sucha place when i was a kid so that I could become a superhero lolAwesome stuff, as always. It’s easily accessible from Tokyo by car for a one-day trip and a worthwhile experience. The gold Kannon is hardly visited (my brother and I were the only ones there that day).

Once inhabited by over 600 fishermen, families and tradesmen, the island was progressively abandoned until the last inhabitant left in 1965. L'Île-aux-Marins ("Sailor's Island") is a ghost town/island located a few miles away from the island of Saint-Pierre. The chemical pools look great. But it seems somebody stole it, unfortunately.The hospital also changed a lot between 2010 and 2017, but it is still fun to explore.It’s incredible this building is still standing though.And the operating room, which used to have a surgical light.This is another interesting part of Nichitsu, it looks like a place for the members of a sect to gather. The most infamous example, on the verge of becoming a haikyo, is Yubari. It’s easily accessible from Tokyo by car for a one-day trip and a worthwhile experience. Next to the statue is a hall full of 1000 plastic gold Bodhisattva statues laid out like the real wooden ones in Kyoto in Sanjusangendo.