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12,132 Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.

Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.

Antoine - Un éléphant me regarde - Duration: 2:27. schweisy 302,296 views.

Cannella (Je L'Appelle Canelle) B: Un Caso Di Follia (Un Elephant Me Regarde) Companies, etc.

Je l'appelle Canelle Parc'que son corps est bronzé Je l'appelle Canelle Parc'que ses cheveux sont dorés Pa la ta pa di tou di da da Parc'que sa peau est sucrée Si vous voulez savoir Comment je le sais D7 G7 C C'est parc'que je l'ai goûtée Finale : C/E D#(dim) G7/D C C7 Cours de guitare gratuits Dernière modification : 2013-04-18 Version : 1.0.

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6 By using our website and our services, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Antoine is the stage name of Pierre-Antoine Muraccioli, who was born June 4th, 1944 in Tamatave (Toamasina) in France.



Published By – Edizioni Mas; Credits Arranged By – Jean-Daniel Mercier; Written-By – Antoine (2), H. Pagani* Notes Different sleeve from other italian release.

Edit Release Data Correct . Antoine is the stage name of Pierre-Antoine Muraccioli, who was born June 4th, 1944 in Tamatave (Toamasina) in France.

Fesitval San Remo (Original German Version of song from the 18th San Remo Festival (1968)). His upbeat 2:27. Cannella (Je L'Appelle Canelle) La Felicità (Pourquoi Ces Canons) Le Divagazioni D'Antoine (Les Elucubrations D'Antoine) Cade Qualche Fiocco Di Neve (Juste Quelques Flocons Qui Tombent) Un'frAltra Strada (Une Autre Autoroute) Un Caso Di Follia (Un Eléphant Me Regarde) Titina, Titina (Titine, Achète-Moi Un Camion) Pietre: L'Alienazione (Qu'est Ce Qui Ne Tourne Pas Rond Chez Moi) Senti, Cocca Mia …

2:48. Label: Disques Vogue - EPL 8516 • Format: Vinyl 7 Antoine - Je L'Appelle Canelle (1967, Vinyl) | Discogs Do you know a YouTube video for this track?

Je L'Appelle Canelle

His upbeat

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