Tag für Tag, die Tage vergehen, Das Leben lassen allein sie stehen.
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Get track L'homme au cœur blessé (English translation) Artist: Georges Moustaki; Song: L'homme au cœur bless é 4 translations; Translations: Catalan, English, German, Spanish English translation English. Let us know what you think of the Last.fm website. Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.
Das Gras in des Mannes mit verwundetem Herzen.
Read about L'homme au cœur blessé by Georges Moustaki and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Das Gras in des Mannes mit verwundetem Herzen.
6 Get track Der Mann mit der Wunde im Herzen.
Watch the video for L'Homme Au Coeur Blessé from Georges Moustaki's Les 50 Plus Belles Chansons for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. 5 Pas une fleur.
Georges Moustaki (1934-2013) was a
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Jour après jour, les jours s'en vont, Laissant la vie à l'abandon.
Connect your Spotify account to your Last.fm account and scrobble everything you listen to, from any Spotify app on any device or platform. Label: Polydor - 2056 046 • Format: Vinyl 7 Moustaki* Chante Theodorakis* - L'Homme Au Cœur Blessé (1970, Vinyl) | Discogs 5
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Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.
Georges Moustaki (1934-2013) was a
2 × L'homme au cœur blessé By Georges Moustaki.
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Rien que les fruits de sa douleur. Loading player…