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When it reached 0, the arena went black and 10 seconds later came alive with lights, screaming and Ariana with her row of back up dancers.A truly unmissable event. Often performing elaborate dance routines during her hits such as 'Be My Baby' she still hits every note intended and wows fans all at once. À son jeune âge, elle a déjà sorti 5 albums studio, et la voix d'Ariana Grande a été comparée à celle de grands artistes comme Mariah Carey par les critiques de musique. Her high notes were incredible! For the app 90 min she was on stage the atmosphere was insane .I have seen well over 100 musical acts of various genres and I can say without a doubt that Ariana Grande has the most powerful voice I have witnessed live .I was at the concert in Denmark with my Best friend and my mom, at my birthday my mom suprised me with 3 tickets to Ariana´s concert i was so exited and happy. We love you and hope you come back to São Paulo!! Rendre tes concerts visibles par un milliard de fans : Mais nous espérons que ton amour pour nous ne s'arrête pas là !

Quatre de ses albums ont réussi à entrer dans la liste Billboard 200: son premier album Yours Truly (2013), Everything (un an plus tard), Sweetener (2018) et Thank You (en 2019) She made everyone at the concert smile and have a blast. I screamed the lyrics out off my heart its was all i hope for and every time she said " sing Denmark" All began to scream and i just screamed the lyrics out of my heart. Du théâtre, elle a continué vers la série télévisée "Victorious" où, en plus de jouer le rôle de Cat Valentine, elle a participé à la bande originale, ce qui a aidé sa renommée à commencer définitivement à augmenter.

Rejoigne 2,194,052 fans qui reçoivent des alertes de concert pour cet artiste if I were Ariana's mum, I would be more than beyond proud of all her achievements. She was all the time saying that she loves us and that she was hoping that we had a great time.
Includes Ariana Grande's …

The success just kept building from there as she was named as one of Billboards hottest acts under 21 and toured with Justin Bieber but she was not going to wait around when it came to new music.Soon beginning work on her second album, she managed to fit in a couple of performances at the White House before releasing ‘My Everything’ in August 2014 and taking her sound and popularity to a whole new level.

She's even better live and in between outfit changes there wasn't ever a dull moment, she had performances to keep the audience going. I went with my mom, aunt, and cousin, and we all had a great time!

The songs were so cool, but I think that she could took more of the TY,N album or dangerous women. I felt like I was experiencing something unique and was very glad to have come. The dance moves were flawless and the outfits stunning. She had many costume changes as well as changing the stage, and she even came in on a cloud and chandelier. S'inscrire sur Songkick pour suivre Ariana Grande et être le premier averti quand l'artiste annonce un concert près de chez toi.

Elle a été invitée par le président des États-Unis d'Amérique Barack Obama et son épouse Michelle Obama à chanter lors d'un concert à la Maison Blanche. !Absolutely flawless!

!♡♡♡I was fortunate enough to see Ariana Grande perform in Toronto Ontario on March 05 2017.The costume changes , the props etc were on par with any big name pop artist.Ariana took to the stage after little mix already had the crowd up on their feet and loud but the atmosphere went to a whole different level when miss Grande took the stage . Elle a été invitée par le président des États-Unis d'Amérique Barack Obama et son épouse Michelle Obama à chanter lors d'un concert à la Maison Blanche. Au cours de sa carrière, elle a fait trois tournées mondiales (The Honeymoon Tour en 2015, Dangerous Woman Tour en 2017 et Sweetener World Tour en 2019), et a également continué de participer à des séries télévisées au fil des ans et même dans trois films.
She puts on a great show that is well worth the money!oh, it was awesome.

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L'Américaine Ariana Grande a commencé sa carrière artistique en jouant un personnage dans la comédie musicale de Broadway "Thirteen". I'll go to another concert if she's coming to germany.