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Jack is banged up pretty badly, but alive, and he and Anne share a passionate kiss. Despite being truly awful at fighting, Rackham comes out on top thanks to a lucky slash at Harcourt’s throat. In the end Rackham wins out with some help, and deals out a cruel ending to Rogers; instead of killing him, he gets Eleanor's grandmother to buy Rogers' debts and force a default, with all of his failures becoming a matter of public record. The victory may have won Rackham some respect from Teach. Mrs. Guthrie isn’t exactly pleased with the outcome, but Max and Jack assure her that Flint is now not a martyr to the cause. John Rackham (26 December 1682 – 18 November 1720), commonly known as Calico Jack, was an English pirate captain operating in the Bahamas and in Cuba during the early 18th century. In shame his father descended into drink and died. Rackham is force to acknowledge that the defence of Nassau is over and comes up with a new plan; to destroy a portion of the fort so Vane can escape with Blackbeard’s fleet. Es wird berichtet, Rackham habe eine Abmachung mit dem Gouverneur getroffen, nach der er sich ergeben würde, sofern Anne und der Piratin Mary Read Gnade gewährt würde. September 2018. After raking Rogers’ ship with cannon fire, Blackbeard and Bonny lead the boarding party. He persuades Teach join the fight. The Spanish men on the beach put up an admirable fight, but Rackham’s crew win the day. Among their crew is a young kid by the name of Rackham begins the series as the Quartermaster of the Ranger, and the brains behind captain Charles Vane's brawn.

Many years before 1715, he met and rescued a 13 year old girl called While lounging in bed with Bonny one evening, he was set upon by Rackham initially found running the brothel to be a losing venture. Rackham reluctantly tricks Vane into capturing a slave ship, and using the slaves to rebuild the fort. Rogers warns Rackham that if the pearls are not returned, the Spanish will invade. After their victory on the Maroon Island, Rackham and Bonny sails with Blackbeard as the pirates set their sights on retaking Nassau. She storms out telling Rackham that he will regret what he has done. Outside Nassau, Bonny follows Rackham’s orders, and kills the Governor’s messenger.

your own Pins on Pinterest Back in Nassau, Max has learnt that the Urca gold is still on the beach and Rackham immediately begins preparations to retrieve the gold. Woodes Rogers continues to demonstrate his cunning, sinking ships as a hidden blockade to the harbour. However, Rackham is initially not a very good pirate. Daraufhin entschloss sich der Gouverneur, Rackham zu fassen und setzte den Piratenjäger Kapitän Barnet auf ihn an, der Rackham verhaftete. Before the deal is struck, Rackham requests one more favour; to be involved in the writing of an affidavit against the disgraced Governor Rogers. Rackham then negotiates more reasonable terms with the new leader of the Goliath crew. Taking refuge in the brothel, Max insists that they must leave immediately. Oct 15, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Anne Walker. Rackham war Steuermann auf einem Schiff unter dem Kommando von Kapitän Nach diesem Sieg und ermutigt durch die erbeuteten Reichtümer an Bord des gekaperten Schiffes schlug Rackham seiner Mannschaft vor, sich fortan der Später nahm Rackham das Angebot eines königlichen Pardon an und segelte an die Küste von Als die Affäre zwischen Rackham und Anne Bonny bekannt wurde, drohte der Gouverneur von New Providence, Anne wegen Ehebruchs auszupeitschen. However over the series, he has proved time and again that he is very capable at what he does, culminating in his victory against an overwhelming English fleet at the Maroon Island. While piracy is officially disapproved of, Rackham and Bonny still covertly sail under the black. Featherstone, Max, and Rackham try to figure out what they are going to do once they actually get the gold back to Nassau. However, Jack is blinded by the stars in his eyes when he stands on the quarterdeck next to Blackbeard; his ego demands he go down in history. It’s up to Rackham to relay her sentiments to Blackbeard, which he does by eloquently invoking their mutual fondness for Vane; he always focused on the best move to achieve their ultimate goal. Rackham's attempts to raise a crew end in abject failure, due to his reputation. His nickname was derived from the calico clothing that he wore, while Jack is a nickname for "John". Rackham was the brains behind Captain Vane's brawn, and in some ways even more dangerous than him.