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Yulara is a town in the Southern Region of the Northern Territory, Australia.It lies as an unincorporated enclave within MacDonnell Region.At the 2016 census, Yulara had a permanent population of 1,099, in an area of 103.33 square kilometres (39.90 sq mi). It is about 21km from Uluru to the tourist town of Yulara, which has a population of 3000 and is situated just outside the park. The first ranger was Bill Harney, a well-recognised central Australian figure. Between 1918 and 1921, large adjoining areas of South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory were declared as Aboriginal reserves, sanctuaries for nomadic people who had virtually no contact with European settlers. The similar mineral composition of the Mutitjulu Arkose and the granite ranges to the south is now explained. Uluru is also often referred to as a monolith, although this is a somewhat ambiguous term because of its multiple meanings, and thus a word generally avoided by geologists. Around Mount Uluru there are many examples of ancestral sites. The remarkable feature of Uluru is its homogeneity and lack of jointing and parting at bedding surfaces, leading to the lack of development of scree slopes and soil.

It is 18 kilometres (11 mi) by road from world heritage site Uluru (Ayers Rock) and 55 kilometres (34 mi) from Kata Tjuta (the Olgas).

One such account, taken from Robert Layton's (1989) ULURU: An Aboriginal history of Ayers Rock, reads as follows: Totemic spirits are celebrated in ceremonies and rituals, and played a prominent part in Aboriginal myth. Fact: Ulu r u is better known as Ayers Rock; it named by William Gosse in 1873 after Sir Henry Ayers. Uluru and Kata Tjuta were first mapped by Europeans in 1872 during the expeditionary period made possible by the construction of the Australian Overland Telegraph Line. Because of their beliefs in 'the dreaming,' ceremonies and rituals are held, stories are told, pictures are drawn, and daily life is defined. For all of these, the creative essence remains forever within the physical form or appearance. Whether you are seeking lavish luxury or an authentic safari adventure, Central Australia has something for everyone.The unofficial capital of Central Australia is Alice Springs, which makes a great base from which to explore the region. Watarrka National Park contains Kings Canyon and the western end of the George Gill Range. Waterfalls on the rocks causing the color change. 'Totemism is a view of nature and life, of the universe and man, which colors and influences the Aborigines' social groupings and mythologies, inspires their rituals and links them to the past. It was described by explorer Ernest Giles in 1872 as "the remarkable pebble".' Ulu r u is probably Australia’s best-known natural landmark. In 1993, a policy was adopted that allowed official names that consist of both the traditional Aboriginal name and the English name. Later, during the depression in the 1930s, Anangu became involved in dingo scalping with 'doggers' who introduced Anangu to European foods and ways. It is a sacred part of Aboriginal creation mythology, or Ayers Rock is a large sandstone rock formation in central Australia, in the Northern Territory. The first tells of serpent beings who waged many wars around Uluru, scarring the rock. It also extends 2.5 km (1.5 miles) into the ground. These ancient heroes roamed the land aimlessly. The soil of Ayers rock presents a massive iron and mineral content that gives the rock a reddish appearance. depicting Dreamtime myths dating back thousands of years. Uluru is an inselberg, literally "island mountain", an isolated remnant left after the slow erosion of an original mountain range. Few regions of the world offer the range of stunning desert landscapes and unique flora and fauna that can be found in Central Australia. Two other accounts are given in Norbert Brockman's (1997) Encyclopedia of Sacred Places. It extends down over 3 and a half miles beneath the surface. Each clan posses a distinct body of spiritual properties, or sacred sites. This increased tourism prompted the formation of the first vehicular tracks in 1948 and tour bus services began early in the following decade.

There followed a great battle, which ended in the deaths of the leaders of both tribes. The name Kata Tjuta means ‘many heads’ in Pitjantjatjara, the local indigenous Australian language, and is as sacred to the indigenous people as Uluru. The Commwealth Department of Environment's webpage advises: Kata Tjuta National Park is owned and run by the local Aboriginals. In 1958, the area that would become the Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park was excised from the Petermann Reserve; it was placed under the management of the Northern Territory Reserves Board and named the Ayers Rock - Mount Olga National Park. Alice Springs has an average annual rainfall of only 275 mm, with rainfall typically occuring during the hotter months from October to March.From Alice Springs, a range of stunning locations can be accessed. In order to understand the religion of the Aborigines, one must have a basic understanding of the organization of the tribes. Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park is a protected area in the Northern Territory of Australia.The park is home to both Uluru and Kata Tjuta.It is located 1,943 kilometres (1,207 mi) south of Darwin by road and 440 kilometres (270 mi) south-west of Alice Springs along the Stuart and Lasseter Highways. They state that if the arkose grains had been transported more slowly they would be more rounded and evenly sorted, and the feldspars would have turned to clay in the intervening years. This Central Australian icon is a monolith more than 318 metres (986 ft) high and 8 km (5 miles) around, and extends 2.5 km (1.5 miles) into the ground. A clan may have several sacred sites that they claim, and the area surrounded by the connection of these sites forms the clan's estate. It may be a rock, a sand hill, a grove of trees, a cave. Here are some facts on Ulu r u:. The heroes also established laws that govern all aspects, both secular and sacred, of the tribes. Ayers Rock was named for the Premier of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers.