844 Km Go 11 H 16 M Go. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Bamako and Ouagadougou is 843.36 km. Buses from Bamako to Ouaga leave several times a day, around CFA16000. A man selling fish oil caplets was let on the bus and he yelled for an hour and a half. Calories.
Know any bus services I can contact in advance so I book over the phone?Thanks again Richard. Sonef fait egalement Ouaga-Bobo-Bamako tous les jours a 15h en provenance de Niamey.
CO2 Emission. bamako Mali to Ouagadougou Route Travel from Ouagadougou to Bamako
Direction Map Travel Time LatLong Flight D Flight T HowFar Route TripCost. bamako Mali to Ouagadougou Route.
Travel from bamako to Ouagadougou.
Planner; Trip Cost; Itinerary. It would be nearly 12 hours more until Bamako. CO2 Emission.
Ouaga-Bobo-Bamako (several buses daily, around 12 hrs-plus, around CFA20,000) and then Bamako-Dakar (not sure of frequency, allow at least 20 hrs, cost around CFA25-30,000).Richard voyage en bus entre dakar banjul bamako et ouagadougou? We hope you'll join the conversation by posting to an open topic or starting a new one.To review the Tripadvisor Forums Posting Guidelines, please follow this link: We remove posts that do not follow our posting guidelines, and we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason.This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of 175.1 CO 2 Go. Direction Map Travel Time LatLong Flight D Flight T HowFar Route TripCost. Seems my trip is going to be a very long one by road.
X. Travel from Ouagadougou to Bamako.
175.1 CO 2 Go. I've found some bus services from the link you provided. bamako Mali to Ouagadougou Route. Planner; Trip Cost; Itinerary.
Distance entre Bamako (Mali) et Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) en kilomètres et miles en voiture (auto, bus, moto) et en avion (à vol d'oiseau), durée - temps trajet et itinéraire sur la carte.
i will be on my own so not sure what is the easiest/safest way.. CO2 Emission. The total CO2 Emission for your Ouagadougou - Bamako bus trip is 27.3 kg; Your total cost to travel by bus from Ouagadougou to Bamako is about 35.0 USD (~16,935.9 XOF) We hope you'll join the conversation by posting to an open topic or starting a new one.To review the Tripadvisor Forums Posting Guidelines, please follow this link: We remove posts that do not follow our posting guidelines, and we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason.This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Very straightforward. Ouagadougou - Fada N'Gourma.
By the afternoon, I was starting to break down. Thanks a lot Richard!
It was 6AM.
very helpful info. Les bon bus quittent Bamako pour Kidira-Dakar entre 5h (Sonef transport voyageur) et 8h.
Calculer combien de kilomètres, coûts de carburant, heures de vol et heures de voyage de Bamako Ouagadougou Calories. Calories. The bus … X. Planner; Trip Cost; Itinerary. 11 H 16 M Go.
Try SKV, STBF or TCV. The calculated flying distance from Bamako to Ouagadougou is equal to 437 miles which is equal to 703 km.. You've been very helpful. EN PERSPECTIVE . But I'm bent on making it. How far is it between Bamako and Ouagadougou.
Have a good trip! X. This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity. Davisa Royal Travel.This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity. Have a great day.Richard was right and almost accurate, in addition you need to prepare at least CFA40,000 for immigration stamps on ur passport. Very straigthforward - in West African terms! - forum Gambie - Besoin d'infos sur Gambie ? Cliquez sur les photos - Un parc de bus important - Un confort assuré - Des services de qualité ... Orodara Fada N'Gourma Pô Gaoua. TCV sa dont la signification est Transport Confort Voyageurs est une compagnie de transport en communs.Son siège social est à Bobo Dioulasso la capitale économique du Burkina Faso.
Travel from Ouagadougou to Bamako. The Malian border was painless and I managed to get a few more hours of sleep afterwards. Travel from bamako to Ouagadougou. Posez vos questions et parcourez les 3 200 000 messages actuellement en ligne. Travel from bamako to Ouagadougou