Rupert Yllana. Nationalité : Française. However, when the French President announced the quarantine/lockdown, everybody then went home. I really want to discover the WNBA and to play with and against the best players in the world.Indeed, the summer of 2021 will be intense with two very important tournaments. See Photos .
No portion of may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. Foto's bekijken. BIOGRAPHIE D’ILIANA. See Photos. A vous de voter !...Votez pour la joueuse qui a réalisé la meilleure progression en cette saison 2019-2020 de Ligue Féminine de Basket....Qui sera élue meilleure poste 5 de la saison 2019-2020 de LFB ? See Photos. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world. So, I was really surprised and happy, especially because I was playing in a competition with really good players. Iliana Rupert. Iliana Robert.
I can continue to play basketball because I have a rim at my mom's house and I also have cardio to do in my yard so that I can stay in shape.I followed the draft this year, just like I have done every year since I was 13-years-old. When they suspended the season in France, we had to stay in Bourges to keep practicing – although only in a very small group, with just 2-3 the absolute maximum. 25 September, 2019 Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. More But if I had to pick one, I will say the month of January.
2005-2008 : Pau Nord Est; 2008-2009 : Elan Chalon; 2009-2014 : Le Mans SCM ; 2014-2015 : Coulaines; 2015-2018 : Centre Fédéral; Carrière … Find your friends on Facebook.
Iyana Rupert… News Log In. I have so many great memories with this team that it is hard to choose. Your suplied Email address ( does not seem to be correct Playing against huge stars this year made me realize all the steps I still must achieve in order to reach my goal, which is winning the EuroLeague Women title.Yes, it was a tough beginning, because it was a new team. Log In. I hope I will be drafted one day, although I do not know yet if it will be next year or maybe later. I will work hard to have and even more important role with both Bourges Basket and for the French national team next summer!Copyright FIBA All rights reserved. News Insep ( Institut National Du Sport, De L'expertise Et De La Performance ) Iliana Rupprecht. My goals are to be tougher, more explosive and to also be more consistent in my game. People named Ilana Rupert.
Elle est la fille de Thierry Rupert, joueur de basket international français, disparu le 10 février 2013 à l’âge de 35 ans.Malgré son jeune âge, Iliana Rupert a déjà un palmarès très étoffé à son actif.Iliana Rupert remporte le trophée de meilleur espoir féminin de la saison 2019-2020 de LFB et Flamy remporte le trophée de meilleure mascotte....Révélation en direct (et donc maintenant en replay) des lauréats des trophées de Meilleur Espoir et de Meilleure Mascotte 2019-2020 de LFB....Doublé pour les Tango de Bourges avec les 2 trophées de sixième femme et de défenseure de la saison 2019-20 obtenus par Ana Dabovic et...Dans cet épisode de l'émission Entre-Deux du lundi, nous vous révélons les palmarès des meilleures 6e femme et défenseure de la saison !...C'est maintenant l'heure de voter pour le meilleur espoir féminin de notre championnat de France de LFB 2019-2020....Le trophée de meilleure progression de la saison 2019-20 est attribué à Laetitia Guapo. We were having so much fun during games, but also in practice. Congratulations on the award Iliana… It was such a good time, both individually and collectively.I found out that the virus was out there in January when it touched China. Sign Up. When it touched Italy, I think I really understood how serious it was.
Foto's bekijken. BOURGES (France) - The sky's the limit for the newly crowned EuroLeague Women Young Player of the Year, with French teenager Iliana Rupert lifting the lid on the scale of her ambitions.Having already broken into the senior national team and now rapidly becoming a force for Bourges Basket in EuroLeague Women and the French League, the center is already rated as one of the best players of her generation in the women's game.I was not expecting it and I learned about it when I received the notification and the title said 'Iliana Rupert – Young Player of the Year'.
I hope I will be part of the team because the FIBA Women's EuroBasket will be played at home for me.
Iliana Rupert. View this post on Instagram. People named Iliana Rupert. or. or. Check out the Full Highlights from France Youngster Iliana Rupert (Bourges Basket), the Young Player of the Year of the EuroLeague Women 2019-20 season! Meanwhile the Olympics is a competition every athlete dreams of going to. Votez pour celle qui le mérite selon vous....Vous trouverez dans cette section, plusieurs photos d’Iliana Rupert en match.Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Congratulations to Iliana Rupert on being named #EuroLeagueWomen Young Player of the Year! Iliana Rupert et Marine Fauthoux avec les grandes.