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The Hero Master decides to explain what is going on.

Beat says he will get stronger so they should battle again. - Share your reason with the rest of the community. Additionally while completive and brave, Beat was reasonably reluctant to confront a Great Ape when faced with the prospect that Vegeta would resort to the form, saying he really doesn't want to fight that thing, knowing how dangerous Great Apes can be and even tried to warn Goku to stop Vegeta from launching his Power Ball after Vegeta and Raditz lost their anomalous Super Saiyan 3 forms, though when that failed, Beat stepped up to the challenge alongside Note and Goku.

Comments Add a Comment. Beat hands Froze's cards back to him, saying he now understands why he could not win against him.

While there he overhears Beat receives a map from Great Saiyaman 3 which shows the location of the Hero Lab, with Great Saiyaman 3 telling him to stop by later.

The Great Saiyaman 4 Avatar changes Beat's Super Attack, some abilities, and causes him to lose access to certain forms.

Though he is intelligent as he was quick to figure out that Cooler was not some cosplayer as the other bystanders assumed, he can be somewhat naive at times such as when he assumes Ninja Murasaki is holding back during their ninja training sparring session which Murasaki is quick to agree with to save face as Beat looks up to him as he thinks ninjas are cool. Beat is also unaware that Jackie Chun is actually a disguised Master Roshi though he looks up to him and is aware of his status as the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament Champion. Beat asks Note if she's okay and Note says she's just glad they came to Gizard Wasteland first causing Beat to ask if it's her favorite spot or something.

Beets was an ally of Paragus. In another tournament, Beat fights and defeats Erito in the first round. Dragon Ball Super: Broly › Beets. Though he had discovered a way to enter the game world to combat the anomalies, they have grown too powerful for him to take on alone thus he has recruited them to assist him in his mission. Beets VOICE Anthony Bowling. After using the Super Class upgrade Beat proves powerful enough to defeat As a Super Saiyan 3, Beat appears to be around the level of However in the game world, Beat is shown to be stronger than Note and due to his adrenaline rush is unaffected by exhaustion and fatigue from fighting in the game world (his ability to utilize Due to the influence of his Earthing-Saiyan heritage, Beat is somehow able to use the power given to his seven Earthling allies to achieve his natural Super Saiyan Blue form in a manner reminiscent of the Super Saiyan God ritual (though with seven Earthlings and a single Earthling-Saiyan hybrid who achieves Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan instead of Super Saiyan Blue). Unbeknownst to Beat himself, he is descended from his idol Goku.With the new game "Super Dragon Ball Heroes" having just been invented by Capsule Corp. The Hero Master explains he won't be entering the game with them this time and will keep in touch over the transmitter. When they see Froze being pushed around by a pair of bullies making fun of his devotion to his cards, Beat, Note, and Forte intervene, stepping in to take on the bullies and wipe the floor with them. However as Note is not used to physical fights, she starts to feel pain from the damage she took and says she didn't know they could get hurt in-game causing Beat to apologise and ask if she's okay. The Saiyan avatar was able to break through his limits and achieve this form during the events of Beat usually uses a set of Saiyan characters, usually members of Goku or Vegeta's families, though he occasionally uses A Dragon Ball Heroes machine sucking Beat into the world of Beat wearing his Capsule Corporation model Scouter in the God Mission 1 special trailerWorld-Saving Hero Great Saiyaman 4 card depicting Beat as Great Saiyaman 4 in Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Note asks what is going on with their new looks. However it can still be customized through the use of Accessories. The Hero Master introduces Beat to Note who is shocked to learn Beat is a total novice and just started playing SDBH that day, However Great Saiyaman 3 explains that while Beat is new to the game he's a fast learner and also references Beat's confrontation with Cooler by noting he was able to block an enemy attack in the real world. This leads the two Heroes agreeing to a second matches. After realizing that he does not stand a chance against Nimu's Beat uses Super Saiyan 2 during many battles in DBH. Takuya Kirimoto. Template:Saiyans Navibox Template:Freeza Force Navibox She greets him and asks he's been selected by the "Master" too, though Beat has no idea what she's talking about. Just then, Froze's parents show up and Froze departs. He has worn numerous outfits over the years.His first outfit is similar to Goten's in Dragon Ball Z, which featured a crimson dogi, a yellow long sleeve shirt with matching shin wraps, a teal belt, and black shoes with white accents.His second Class-up outfit is seen in the ninth trailer, now donning a yellow cape and a black long sl…

He tells her about Great Saiyaman 3 requesting he come to the lab.

Note says its okay as she was the one who challenged him before pointing out he's looking pretty beat up him. Beat proves himself worthy of the Hero Master's praise as he defeats her in their first match. Note declares her journey to become the strongest player will start there too. He's a careful man, unwilling to park his ship in a dangerous place, and seems to constantly be wary once he reaches Planet Vampa. Beets is then killed by Paragus so he can save more provisions for him and Broly. However Note rallies and attacks Beat directly and is ready to fight him seriously now that Beat had proven himself, while Great Saiyaman 3 is unsurprised by her persistence. When she learns from Sora that Beat has never been a contestant in a When the girls say it is too bad Beat lost but his opponent was a battle machine with no emotion whatsoever, Beat reflects himself that it is not true as he saw Froze smile. Beets is a low-class, non-combatant Saiyan and utilizes a Beets makes his debut appearance and as a playable character in Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Seeing they are having no issues with the Hero Switch, the Hero Master tells them it's time for their battle, as the menace could show up at any moment. Beat confirms it did happen, but that he can't figure out how he did it, before Note asks the Hero Master about the enemy entering the real world. However he decides to follow the map and enters the Hero Tower.