That was after the Dance of the Dragons.I have a whole theory on where Cannibal might be (cough *sig line* cough)Which is why, as much as I generally hate going down the rabbit-hole of "no specific information is provided, so clearly it's being withheld", I still want an explanation for how Silverwing just dropped out of historical knowledge after the DoD. Maybe Nettles went east.Beorn Snow, that has always been my theory. The last 2 have no reason to fly that way, but Nettles has every reason to flee Westeros. some animals may become cannibals in specific conditions, why not magic animals? a list of 15 titles Probably for the same reason he/it didn't participate in the Dance of Dragons. Especially on an island so close to the mainland of Westeros. Or should I say misuse. This could be a part of the reason behind the "dread reputation" of the Island.
The fact that he wasn't active since before the Targaryens came to Dragonstone is pretty obvious by the simple fact that there was this army of drakes and dragons on Dragonstone in the later days of Aegon I, Aenys, Maegor, and the early years of Jaehaerys I before the Dragonpit was used as a dragons stable. This film marked the second time that the book Red Dragon was adapted into a film, the first being Manhunter in 1986. Cannibal the Dragon made his home on Skagos following the Dance of the Dragons.This could be a part of the reason behind the "dread reputation" of the IslandAlso, the reports of "Ice Dragons" over the shivering sea could be explained by a dragon living on Skagos. There is no reason to believe Cannibal's biology is somewhat different from the other dragons, thus allowing him to live longer. In fact I think Cannibal is the only dragon to ever express such odd behavior for no real reason.
There haven't been any mentions as to how big Cannibal actually was, so there is really no way to tell for sure. Which would mean that there is or was volcanic activity occurring on Skagos. The big three were pretty much constantly at war, or going from one place to another, must be taxing on a flying firebreathing magic megafauna ya know?Having a look through and this is the info I found (if I've made a miscalculation let me know): No exact date is given for his hatching, but he was also older than Sheepstealer, who was born when Jaehaerys I was young - he was born in 34AC. It wouldn't be too far a stretch to think that they would think of a dragon as a god of sorts, or a daemon, and any stories of such a dragon would have been described in those terms and written off as religious hyperbole.Edit* I forgot to mention that Bran saw that dragon fly over Winterfell while warging SummerEdit** This just came to me, but considering that Rickon may or may not be on Skagos, can you think of a more perfect Dragon for Rickon "Shaggydog" Stark than The Cannibal? Then he disappears after the Dance of the Dragons - 129-131AC. You can post now and register later.
His DNA had not been manipulated. They're kinda hard to miss. I could support this theory. That could also be where Quaithe comes from.Didn't the Valyrians have other outpost other than Dragonstone before the Doom? Cannibal the Dragon made his home on Skagos following the Dance of the Dragons. Leaving only the Targs. Cannibal Isle is located off the coast of Pointy Point (Books) at the South of the Meathead Islands. So it wasn't, that special. Maybe he wasn't from Valyria or originally wasn't descended from the group of dragons that came to the island after the Doom.
[1] He was one of three completely wild dragons dwelling on Dragonstone, along with Sheepstealer and Grey Ghost. He never took a rider and was one of the few dragons who survived the Civil War (The … Also, the reports of "Ice Dragons" over the shivering sea could be explained by a dragon living on Skagos. Or else from an escaped dragon that outlived its dragonlord from another Valyrian family. Red Dragon is a 2002 film based on the book of the same name by Thomas Harris and a prequel to the Academy Award winning film The Silence of the Lambs. Any support to this idea or any evidence suggesting it's not likely. What better place for a Dragon to make his lair?We also have the mention of huge shaggy unicorns, which would provide an ample food source. I just ask that you be civil.This level of tenuous theorizing is what this sub is all about. He might be ridden and he might die during the reign of Aegon III just as Silverwing and Morning are going to die. I can understand him not taking a rider but why would he eat his own kin? I guarantee Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion will be the only dragons in the main story.
The last 2 have no reason to fly that way, but Nettles has every reason to flee Westeros.
He was there first and that, in his way of thinking, made it his territory. .
Coupled with that, I don't think its crazy to think that Cannibal could be eating the same whales that the Ibbanese are known to hunt.We also have theories of a dragon/dragons living near hardhome, in the caves of the cliff there. The only rumors of Dragons being sighted in the last 150 years was way over in Asshai. Dany isn't even a real Targaryen. There was no need for Martin to add the rumour that Cannibal predated the Targaryens on Dragonstone otherwise.
That could also be where Quaithe comes from.Beorn Snow, that has always been my theory. My theory is that Cannibal was survivor of the Doom. The Cannibal was a wild dragon that lived on Dragonstone during the Dance of the Dragons. That would also explain why he would destroy any egg or baby dragon that were not lucky enough to have his DNA. The smallfolk of Dragonstone named it for a self-evident reason. I'm going into crinkly withdrawalthis literally is the reason why this is my favourite sub, it has a shit load of subscribers and a lot of quality posts(quality posts being non kek meme posts about whatever the fuck), even the shitposts and circlejerks are enjoyableNot one use of "hype" yet either.
About The Cannibal was black as coal.