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Объект включает три рукава реки, солоноватые каналы, омывающие более 200 островов и островков, мангровый лес, атлантическую морскую среду и сухой лес. Hello everyone, I'm Ibrahima Faye or Ibou as you like. Tel. Edinburgh University Press (1968), p. 7Ba, Abdou Bouri, « Essai sur l’histoire du Saloum et du Rip » (avant-propos par Charles Becker et Victor Martin), Bulletin de l'IFAN, tome 38, série B, numéro 4, octobre 1976Diouf, Niokhobaye, "Chronique du royaume du Sine", Suivie de notes sur les traditions orales et les sources écrites concernant le royaume du Sine par Charles Becker et Victor Martin.

Algunos alcanzan una longitud de varios centenares de metros.
Fishing and shellfish gathering have sustained human life in the 5,000 km2 property, which is formed by the arms of three rivers. The shell mounds and the cultural landscapes and the biodiversity of the natural environment may be threatened by poorly controlled socio-economic behaviour.The conditions of authenticity of the mounds, tumulus mounds and their landscapes are generally adequate. The long-lived pachycauls are typically found in dry, hot savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa, where they dominate the landscape, and reveal the presence of a watercourse from afar. Eco Tours, Nature & Wildlife Tours. Dankzij visserij en het verzamelen van schelpdieren kon de mensheid zich in stand houden in het 5.000 vierkante kilometer grote gebied. More. Saloum Delta National Park or Parc National du Delta du Saloum in Senegal, is a 76,000-hectare (190,000-acre) national park.Established in 1976, it is situated within the Saloum Delta at the juncture of the Saloum River and the North Atlantic..

However, this management system is evolving and the multiplicity of programmes and stakeholders tends to make some situations somewhat confused. 1, p.58). Delta du Saloum La Direction des Parcs Nationaux. I am a Senegalese eco-guide, a graduate, I organize excursions in Pirogue, bivouacs, kayaking, hiking, fishing, picnic, with my team islands of Saloum discovery. Ecological Characteristics. Adansonia digitata, the African baobab, is the most widespread tree species of the genus Adansonia, the baobabs, and is native to the African continent. However, the active protection of the cultural sites in the field is recent and must be extended to the property as a whole, and not just concern the National Park. Together they form an adequate management system for the property, with the key stakeholders and those in charge clearly identified, notably the National Park, the rural communities and the United Nations MDG-Fund. Территория замечательна своими скоплениями раковин моллюсков и останков ракообразных, некоторые из 218 холмов, образованных этими скоплениями, имеют протяжённость в несколько сот метров и возникли в результате человеческой жизнедеятельности в течение тысячелетий. Le site englobe des canaux d'eau saumâtre et près de 200 îles et îlots, des mangroves, un environnement maritime Atlantique et une zone boisée sèche.Le bien est marqué par 218 amas coquilliers, dont certains font plusieurs centaines de mètres de long, qui résultent de l'activité humaine au cours des millénaires. Additionally, the general policy for the property's conservation is closely tied to the conservation of the natural environment and the sustainable development programmes for the delta as a whole.The property's management relies on numerous individuals in the field. They are direct testimony of sustainable and very ancient socio-economic practices. Email: ndoyeassane68@yahoo.fr. WebGL must be enable, They are complemented by the anthropological authenticity of the shellfish gathering practices and to a lesser degree of the fishing practices.The protection of the shell mounds and the tumuli mounds is ensured by adequate regulatory measures. Assane Ndoye 307 Kaolack Senegal. Iles du Saloum Decouverte. Het deltagebied wordt gekenmerkt door 218 terpen bestaande uit restanten van schelpdieren, door de eeuwen heen geproduceerd door menselijke bewoners. Some mounds include tumuli; they form, with their baobab vegetation and their undulating forms, funerary sites with specific landscape features.The conditions of cultural integrity of the Saloum Delta are in theory very adequate, even if some shell mounds have been damaged, but the integrity remains fragile. Sur ces amas coquilliers, on dénombre 28 sites funéraires en forme de tumulus. Delta du Saloum. Formado por los brazos de tres ríos, el sitio comprende una red de canales de agua salobre con más de 200 islas e islotes, bosques de manglares, zonas costeras atlánticas y un bosque seco.Otra característica notable de la zona es la presencia de 218 montículos formados por valvas de moluscos como resultado de la actividad humana. сохранились следы человеческой деятельности – в основном, рыболовства и сбора моллюсков.

The park, which forms part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Ramsar Convention site, lies within a 180,000 ha (440,000-acre) biosphere reserve.