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Wenn du auf unsere Website klickst oder hier navigierst, stimmst du der Erfassung von Informationen durch Cookies auf und außerhalb von Facebook zu. The Cheikh was then Exiled to Mauritania. Watch Queue Queue Public Figure. Whoever wants salvation in this world and the hereafter must seek refuge in me.”“Work as if you will never depart from this world and pray as if you were to die tomorrow.”“The only weapons I will use to fight my enemies are the pen and the ink that I use to write my Khassaids in the glory of the elected Prophet Muhammad.”© 2015-2019 by Disciples of Serigne Bethio Thioune. Serigne Touba father’s name in wolof is Mor Anta Sali. The disciples thought this was the last of seeing their beloved Cheikh. Wakhtanou Serigne Cheikh Fall mbaor Si Digantè serigne Touba khadim Rassol Ak Cheikh Ibarahima Fall - Duration: 35:54.

Page Transparency See More. The French knew that the Cheikhs isn Mauritania “would have more knowledge” than Serigne Touba and that would “reduce his reputation”.

I am sure that the Prophets and Saints who waged holy war did it without having half the forces that he has got.”  This report was a tremendous political and religious importance as it proved the sincerity of the Cheikh and lack of temporal power ambition. Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba spent 7 years, 7 months, and 7 days.While away he prayed to his Lord harder than ever.

He was buried in Touba. Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Dieuredieufety Serigne Touba und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. He seems to have some divine light and secret similar to what we read in the stories of the great Prophets and their people. Contact Serigne Touba ak Cheikh Ibra on Messenger. In 1919 the French colonizers administration honored Serigne Touba with their greatest distinction, elevating him to “Knight of the Legion of Honor”.

This picture is venerated and reproduced in paintings on walls, buses, taxis, etc.

During that time there was no country that had as many Awlia, Cheikhs & Alms of Exoteric and Esoteric knowledge as Mauritania. In 1300, Hijra (1882), Mor Anta Sali, Serigne Touba father, made transition.

He declared that he alone could do the fight without shedding anybody’s blood. He is also known as Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke and Khadimou Rassoul. Not Now. In 1895 The Cheikh was arrested. Cette application vous permet d'écouter et de télécharger les khassidas de Serigne Touba Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Khadimou Rassoul sur vos smartphones et tablettes il s'agit de Khassaide kourel, de xassida Radiass. His mother said that she not feel her pregnancy. These are qualities his predecessors would have envied him, whatever the virtuousness, their piety or prestige  was. The colonizers soon realized, years later, that the only enemies Serigne Touba ever taught his disciples to fight were the enemies within every individual, which is greed, hatred, passion, violence and deceit, which stands in the believer’s way to salvation. Today, Touba serves as the location of the sub-Saharan Africa's largest mosque, which was built by the Mourides. When his mother would take him to festive occasions with music & dancing, such as weddings or naming ceremonies he would cry and she would have to take him back home.

Serigne Touba made transition that year of 1927. Due to the city of Touba rapidly growing into a vast religious and knowledge center the French felt threatened. Create New Account. He also taught them to distinguish between right and wrong, justice and injustice, truth and falsehood. During her lifetime, the Islamic Scholars in Senegal recognized her as a Wali Kamil, (Perfected Saint).

To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. (2009). Forgot account? Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba founded the Mouride brotherhood in 1883, with its capital is Touba, Senegal.