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This can be seen , especially in the stories aimed primarily girls, who put forward the cult of beauty, like Sleeping Beauty , Cinderella ... 3. Or even in the Harry Potter novel by JK Rowling, where magic is part of our world where love beats the darkness. Compte rendu des progrès sur le projet de fin d'années ISN. Note critique entre «The clash of civilisation ? 1.

To speak about this notion, I've chosen to speak of the place of hero in society. Recherche parmi 241 000+ dissertations.

Therefore, they affect all of society with ideas more or less direct according to the category of persons referred.

» de Samuel Huntington et « The end of History » de Francis Fukuyama. I will take as an example, Martin Luther King, I saw the biography. Suivre ce blog Administration Connexion + Créer mon blog.
Moreover, they can be fictional like Superman, Batman, or real. We can see that we project on the known personalities, this image of the hero. 1. 1.

Actually, he doesn’t believe to an end of conflicts but he believes that the nature of modern conflicts are changing since the end of the second world war. For describe our society, Fukuyama talks about a "growing homogenization of all human societies". There is also a reflection on civilizations on both texts.So we can wonder if the future of the international relations can be reduce to a new world order where the liberal democracy is at his peak and where conflicts doesn’t exist ?First I’m going to talk about the authors' vision on international relations after the end of the cold war, then i’m going to put forward the nature of conflicts in history according to the authors and finally I will try to explain the different visons of the authors on the subject of civilizations.With the end of the cod war, a lot of person have thought that the world will be heading to an era of appeasement by the unification of peoples around the Western model of liberal democracy : many thought that we would witness the realization of a universal civilization.

According to Fukuyama this type of liberal democracy permets a pacification of human relations beceause of international exchanges but also because liberal democracy puts an end to the the expansionist wishes of countries. First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. These are the best of all worlds that man would reach , knowing that it is still impossible to " mere human ." I) To begin with, the heroes used to dream through the myths they represent. From a first point, they offer a dream world " quotation marks " with a different world where the laws of nature and man are not the same as on Earth. Since birth, mirror neurons affect our actions, we imitate what we see without necessarily realizing it, as a result, we need people to guide us towards perfection. La différence entre la question du champ lexical et l équivalent au bac عندك نخلط بيناتهم - Duration: 17:50. 2. Huntington develops a theory opposing to the Fukuyama’s theory : Huntington's thesis is that, in spite of appearances, the world is moving towards fragmentation rather than unification, splits and rivalries rather than peace .

This is why the man is, to some extent realistic, and projects the power of fictional characters on a real person, for these acts. The economic aspect was obviously present but it was not the first cause of the conflict.
L'art du compte rendu est une des clés de l'efficacité professionnelle, mais savoir rédiger des comptes rendus de qualité n'est pas si simple. Countries don’t want to be better than other countries but equal (in the norm of liberal democracy). During the second world war, the conflict was principaly due to atagonist ideologies (liberalism and fascism). A world of liberal democracies should therefore have fewer opportunities for war since all nations would reciprocally recognize their mutual legitimacy. I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. If a second point , it is clear that mainly fictitious myths shows an unreal perfection. - أكتب Compte rendu الخاص بنص L'histoire des arabes,l'islam et les conquêtes Dominique Sourdel dans son texte historique intutulé : '' L'histoire des arabes,l'islam et les conquêtes'' parvu dans Presse universitaire de France 1980,nous donne l'intinéraire suivi par les arabes entre 640 et 732.