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I would assume he/she means "blues" as in the music genre. This is the British English definition of coup de grâce.View American English definition of coup de grâce. English English, français rouillé English English, français rouillé sorry I read you too fast, your proposition was just fine !! or a head-butt, coup de boule = head-butt someone like zidane. The coup d'état (called golpe de estado in Spanish) was more common in Spain and South America, while the pronunciamiento was more common in Central America and Mexico.

Change your default dictionary to American English. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. The pronunciamiento is the formal explanation for deposing the regnant government, justifying the installation of the new government that was effected with the golpe de estado. snug.

stand for. He seized power in a military coup in 2008. to stage/mount a coup; He was sentenced to death for his part in the attempted coup. I would say that "Avoir le blues" or "Avoir un coup de blues" is simply "to have the blues".

It is mostly used (in English) in a military context, where the coup d'œil refers to the ability to discern at one glance the tactical advantages and disadvantages of the terrain.

Synonyms of the month. he comes to me when he feels a bit down. 6.8%. TBC-8.1%.


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Definition of coup noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. French-English Vocabulary / Vocabulaire Français-Anglais 46.7%.

English English, français rouillé Thesaurus Trending Words. thanks anyway to all contributors !!

For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. English Translation of “coup de cœur” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Discover . View the pronunciation for coup de grâce.

how would you translate "un coup de blues" in english ? does that sound correct to you ? This is, in a word, the true meaning of a When all is said and done, it really is the commander's There is a gift of being able to see at a glance the possibilities offered by the terrain...One can call it the A vital faculty of generalship is the power of grasping The coup d'œil remains important for officers in modern armies for the positioning of infantry, tanks, artillery etc. coup noun /kuː/ /kuː/ (plural coups /kuːz/ /kuːz/) jump to other results (also coup d’état) a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent.


It's about being sad, or sometimes nostalgic (sadly).French-English Vocabulary / Vocabulaire Français-Anglais put off-2.5%. how would you translate : ils vient me voir quand il a un coup de blues ? take on. i don't think so, I'm not feeling down, the guy who comes to see me feels a bit down and comes to see me so I can help him

How to use coup d'état in a sentence. 20 sept. 2018 - Explorez le tableau « Coup de bleu » de mlaureperetti, auquel 651 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. Coup d'état definition is - a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics; especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group. English English, français rouillé indeed, "avoir un coup de blues" is like "un coup de cafard", felling sad. Coup d'œil (or coup d'oeil; French pronunciation: ) is a term taken from French, that more or less corresponds to the words glimpse or glance in English.The literal meaning is "stroke of [the] eye". thanks a lot for all those answers.

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It is also important for In current-day French, the phrase simply means "glimpse." comfortable.

your wish is my command. [T]he perfection of that art to learn at one just and determined view the benefits and disadvantages of a country where posts are to be placed and how to act upon the annoyance of the enemy. Are you saying that someone has the blues, like they're sad? I like the proposition "to be a bit down", it quite well translates the feeling. For example, it is often used in marketing materials in the same way that "At a glance..." is used in English to title a product summary.

Military Instruction from the Late King of Prussia to His Generals, Article 16 Unfortunately I don't know this phrase, however.You can just say I felt blue or I was feeling blue.