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"Jesus He Knows Me" was featured in the 1996 Belgian film Different footage is also used when Collins sings "But she don't know about my girlfriend / Or the man I met last night". I think it works pretty well. Cause Jesus he knows me And he knows I'm right I've been talking to Jesus all my life Oh yes he knows me And he knows I'm right And he's been telling me Everything gonna alright. Jesus He Knows Me deutsche Übersetzung von Genesis. Also fachsimpel fachsimpel. Du kannst das Gesicht jeden Sonntag im Fernsehen sehen oder auch auf einer Litfass-Säule – der Mann, dem es gehört, bin ich. Genesis: Jesus He Knows Me. Writer(s): Phil Collins, Michael Rutherford, Anthony Banks

Zum Glück, oder man ist fast versucht zu sagen Gott sei Dank gibt es sie bei uns nicht. The song reached No. Cause Jesus he knows me 歌詞の意味: 原因イエス ・ キリスト彼は私を知っています。And he knows I'm right 歌詞の意味: 彼は右の午前知っていると I've been talking to Jesus all my life 歌詞の意味: 私はすべて私の人生イエスに話してき Released when several TV evangelists were under investigation for doing just that.Phil was playing really fast on the drums and I started playing a chord sequence on top of it. Jeus he know`s me!!!

Jesus He Knows Me Lyrics Übersetzung. According to the behind-the-scenes documentary The first CD contained "I Can't Dance (The Other Mix)" (a In the video near the 1:40 mark people can be seen holding a sign reading "Genesis 3:25,"In the original version of the video, the "toll-free number" referred to in the lyrics was shown as 1-555-GEN-ESIS.Throughout the clip, Collins is shown on the covers of several fictitious magazines with religious names which spoof actual publications, such as "On the version of the clip used on Genesis' official YouTube channel, the album mix of the song, without the preaching monologues from Collins, is used, with the video fading out with the song. Before the lyrics were added, the song's title was "Do The New Thing", possibly referencing Tony Banks's opening keyboard notes, which are heard again in the bridge. 23 i…

"Jesus He Knows Me" is the second track on the 1991 Genesis album We Can't Dance and its fourth single. Won't find me practicing what I'm preaching Won't find me making no sacrifice But I can get you a pocketful of miracles If you promise to be good, try to be nice 10 in Canada, No. Es heißt nicht "fall auf deine knie und fang an zu beten" sondern "...zu zahlen!" Die Televangelists, eine moderne Kreuzung aus television und evangelist.
Ein absolut genialer Song, der meiner Meinung nach heut noch in den charts sein sollte, um mal den Menschen die Augen wieder zu öffnen!Der Song beschreibt (im übertragenen Sinne) wie skrupelos Geld mit alltäglichen Dingen durch Glauben und Missbrauch von anderen Dingen verdient wird!Jeder sollte einmal in sich gehen und das nächste mal überlegen was er macht, bevor er irgendwo spendet, Verträge abschließt oder einen Vertreter von irgendwas in die Türe lässt :)2. Die Satire auf die Televangelists mit einem überzeugenden Phil Collins in der Rolle als dubioser Fernsehprediger. About “Jesus He Knows Me” 1 contributor A song about TV evangelists who promise false hope (such as financial success), if they send (usually) large sums of money to them. Well, he's been telling me Everything's gonna be alright. The 1-555-GEN-ESIS scene is retained unedited. Jesus He Knows Me Übersetzung von Genesis als Songtext mit Video, News, Links, Suchfunktion und vielem mehr findest du bei uns. A song about TV evangelists who promise false hope (such as financial success), if they send (usually) large sums of money to them. ;)Mit Religionsmissbrauch und der Naivität mancher Menschen wird eben viel Geld gemacht... Jesus liebt euch egal was ihr auch immer gemacht habt. I started playing this reggae rhythm on top of what he was doing because it was in the same sort of tempo, and switched to playing reggae underneath it, so we got the middle eight part, then the intro developed out of the middle eight. Joh 3,16 Cheers und seit gesegnetDiese Musik, die Sinn hat und sehr gut ist, gibt es heute eben nicht mehr.

It didn’t start with the bit you hear at the front – that came later. Won't find me practicing what I'm preaching; Won't find me making no sacrifice. Lyrics to 'Jesus He Knows Me' by Genesis: D'you see the face on the TV screen Coming at you every Sunday See the face on the billboard That man is me You won't even have to leave your house Or get out of your chair You don't