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Google Maps' Timeline feature might seem a little creepy if you're especially privacy-conscious — and you can turn off the Location History it uses. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis.Google Maps Timeline shows you everywhere you've been, and how you got there.Google Maps Timeline shows everywhere you were on a certain day.Set Google Maps to automatically delete your location history.Google Maps incognito mode (as shown on an Android phone. We want to hear from you.Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inboxGet this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. It's wild:There's no reason Google needs to know this much information about you, unless youFirst, here's how to delete everything Google Maps currently knows about you:I also recommend that you set it up so Google automatically deletes all this location data every three months.

If you use Google Maps on your phone, then you can get your Google Maps Timeline showing the places you’ve been. This includes a creepy level of detail, like exactly when you left work, when you arrived at home, the exact route you took along the way, pictures you took in specific locations and more. (For me, it was Philippe Chow), and what you did before and after that.Here's an example of that day, including my stop for lunch, and a meeting I took with Snapchat on the Upper West side earlier in the day.If I zoom in, you can see the exact route I took to get there and where I parked. Open Google Earth. ... but quite a few people mention that all data from before May 2020 … You can see how far you travelled and the way you travelled from place to place, like walking, biking, driving, or public transportation. Whether Timeline measures distances in miles or kilometers is based on your country.If you've saved your home and work addresses, they'll show up on Timeline. Google can show your travels according to the day, month, and year.

It'll show you if you were driving, walking or on a train, and any pit stops you might have made during your journey. You can delete photos from Timeline, but they won't be deleted from Google Photos.You can delete all or part of your Location History.You can choose to automatically delete Location History that’s older than 3 months or 18 months.When you turn on Location History, Google records your location data and places in your Google Account, even when you're not using Google Maps.

You can see where you were on a particular day, how you got there, pictures you … Google Earth automatically displays current imagery. Google Maps keeps a log of everywhere you go in its "Timeline." Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Find a location. To do this, turn on Web & App Activity:You can view your Google Photos in Timeline. Google Maps Timeline shows an estimate of places you may have been and routes you may have taken based on your Location History. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. How Your Google Maps Timeline Can Show You Where You’ve Been. )How to find out everything that Google knows about you Here's how:If you're really paranoid, you can turn it off entirely so Google Maps can't track you at all. To control whether your Google Photos appear in Timeline or not, follow these steps:Photos show up on Timeline when they're uploaded to Google Photos.

To turn on or pause your Location History, follow the steps below: In addition to Timeline, this information may also be used in other Google products and services.If a place is wrong on Timeline, you can edit the location and when you were there.

Just do this:Or, if you don't mind Google tracking you day to day but just want to stop it for a little while, you can turn on Incognito mode in Maps by doing this:Got a confidential news tip?

Carolyn Nicander Mohr / January 13, 2020.

Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities and makes it available for scientists, researchers, and developers to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on … Timeline is private, so only you can see it, and it’s available on mobile and desktop.

Sometimes this information can be useful, like if you want to remember the restaurant you ate at on Nov. 7 in New York City. You can edit or delete your Location History—including time ranges—in Timeline anytime. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. To see how images have changed over time, view past versions of a map on a timeline.

Google Maps has a timeline feature built in that uses your location data to show you where you’ve been. ; Click View Historical Imagery or, above the 3D viewer, click Time . Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.