As a Saiyan, Gotenks can fight for long periods of time without tiring, keeping up an extended battle against Super Buu, but due to his nature as a Metamoran Fusion he can only fight for at most 30 minutes at a time, making his stamina somewhat irrelevant. Does that mean pre and post HTC? I interpreted what Goku was saying as he wanted to give the kids a chance to save the world. I don't buy it.During the training for the Tenkaichi Budokai during the Boo arc (I believe it was the 28th) Goten and Trunks were both about on par with Gohan, and not any more than a couple notches below Vegeta.
29:34. Because I just took a look at the manga and even the Kanzenshuu strength checker, and I can not find any such claim.Goku said that when boys master the techique, they would be strong enough to to beat Buu. …
Kid Buu is impossible to predict and knows instant transmission, not to mention that he absorbed several Kais before the series and could very well do the same here. 13:01. 10:17. Besides, Piccolo also seemed to agree that Gotenks was strong enough to defeat Buu(as a super saiyan) and his only concern was Gotenks' speed, to which the latter offers to demonstrate elsewere. Ultimate Gohan was clearly shown to be above ssj3 Gotenks. Gotenks is stronger than Goku, proportionally to how much stronger Goku is compared to either kid individually. SSJ Gotenks pre-ROSAT is slightly stronger than SSJ3 Goku. This is supported by the fact that Goku stated that 'a stronger fighter than him will fight Buu in 2 days'(Paraphrased). It is not like it is just some random guess. SSJ3 Goku is stronger than Kid Buu, so Gotenks would destroy him.
This puts Goku in oneshot territory if Gotenks fought him, since Vegeta=Goku oneshotted Goten, but that's a lot different from a Super Saiyan 1 superseding a Super Saiyan 3. In addtion, he did not think it necassary for them to use the ROSAT until after Super Buu appeared.EDIT: Goku makes the statment when talking to Piccolo. He just sin't far enough above Super Buu to hope to cause any lasting damage. That's all it says really, not directly "You can beat Majin Boo as a Super Saiyan 1 if you fuse." Đăng nhập. I'm willing to say Goku maybe could've done in Buu in SSJ3 (maybe because he'd have to do it before his energy's up), but there's no way one SSJ2, or two, or three, would have a shot. I interpreted what Goku was saying as he wanted to give the kids a chance to save the world. DB Super and Daizenshuu actually clears everything up in plain language:So Kid Buu was clearly labeled as the strongest in the universe when he was defeated and Goku was the strongest after Kid Buu was defeated. Gotenks was beating the crap out of Buu throughout most of their fight,They are all around the same power, but Gohan doesn't run out of energy as fast as the others two and doesn't have a time limit. It is not like it is just some random guess. So? The Ultimate Warrior Vegito vs Majin Buu, Vegito Rescue Gohan and the Others - Duration: 29:34. deniz200sx 69,977 views. Then he hit Buu with every ounce of energy left in his body, and it took Buu maybe two minutes to regenerate. Gotenks is the Metamoran fusion of Goten and Trunks, formed to defeat Majin Buu.. R5: Bonus round, the first 4 rounds, except they're hired to kill a 3-star general at a military base for $2,500,000.
Because I just took a look at the manga and even the Kanzenshuu strength checker, and I can not find any such claim.Goku said that when boys master the techique, they would be strong enough to to beat Buu.
Initialement Majin Boo est un être mauvais perverti par Bibidi, il n'a aucune considération sur ce qui l'entoure et manque plusieurs fois de tuer par amusement son créateur. Common sense tells us he's extremely strong, but strong enough to beat Majin Boo? He should beat him no different than Goku should have beaten Kid Buu. ... Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 : Gotenks VS Majin Buu , Super Buu , Kid Buu - LOS NIÑOS MAS PODEROSOS ! He could have finished Super Buu if he wasn't being such an idiot.What does pre and post mean? Tier: At least High 4-C, 4-B as a Super Saiyan | 4-B | 4-B. When they fuse as Super Saiyans, Piccolo did not immediately say "alright you're stronger than Boo now, but just show me your speed." Lets state facts. No he isn’t. And this is being very conservative, Goku was likely much stronger than what I'm giving credit for, he could be an eight compared to their five and Vegeta a seven, considering Vegeta dodged all of Trunks' blows without blocking and then laid him out with a single reflex-punch.By fusing Gotenks gained the ability to go SSJ3, so since he was already a step ahead of Goku at base, he maintained that advantage with each form. SSJ3 Gotenks was said to be even stronger than SSJ3 Goku, proven, no wait, A FACT.