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When the spreadsheet is updated, the map will be updated! A new input widget for "power users": Using the "synthesize descriptions" box under the This is sort of an advanced feature, as it involves editing the HTML of your maps after GPS Visualizer creates them, but it's potentially very useful: you can use the new A small update to last month's "custom folders" feature: you can now use a "folder" field put both tracks AND waypoints into custom folders in a It's a small thing, but it may come in handy for some people: you can now supply a "folder" column in your raw waypoint data, and GPS Visualizer will use that field to group your points into folders in You can now plot ZIP codes (and Canadian postal codes) using only the first three characters, which could be very helpful for plotting information using the This is an interesting new utility, still in the experimental stage: the You've always been able to edit the HTML source of Icons in KML files can be rotated, so distance/time tickmarks in Google Earth are now much more useful. For the .pvt files, only latitude and longitude are supported so far; more sample data is needed before the other fields can be confidently decoded.When you create a Google Map from files created by Garmin's software (Garmin Mapsource, Garmin Road Trip, etc. "The tags in KML files are now output in the exact order that Google specifies; this should help compatibility with fussy apps.GPS Visualizer can now read .wpt files from MaxSea Marine Software.URL-shortening tools (,, & have been added to the "Link to this view" feature in GPS Visualizer's When you make a Google Map wih GPS Visualizer, the JavaScript code and waypoint icons are loaded from ""; that domain is now hosted on a different server, to reduce the load on .csv tracklog files from OpenGTS (Open-Source GPS Tracking System) can now be read by GPS Visualizer.Some GPX files (e.g., from Garmin software) have display colors defined for tracks. )Support has been added for a couple of new file formats that come from the SD cards in Magellan GPS devices: ".bin" files from Magellan Roadmate GPS (which are really just standard NMEA data wrapped up in some binary junk); and ".pvt" files from Magellan Maestro GPS units. GPS Visualizer can now read the new time-stamped tracks -- but it can't create them yet.Some Garmin fitness-oriented devices have the ability to generate files with a .fit suffix; GPS Visualizer can now read basic information from these files (time, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed).GPS Visualizer can now read .pwx files from the Timex Global Trainer wrist-mounted GPS system; the files are associated with "TrainingPeaks" software from Peaksware.NMEA-like files with a ".nmeadb" extension -- which apparently come from "Navibe" GPS receivers -- are now supported by GPS Visualizer.If you have a Garmin .tcx file that contains "Course Points" (left, right, straight, summit, valley, water, etc. 3. GPS Visualizerは、経路に沿った各移動ポイントにおける水準点からの高さを表示してくれる。 次に同じファイルをGPS Visualizerに読み込ませ、右図にように、その出力を「elevetion profile」にしてから『Go!』を押してみよう。

To get around this, GPS Visualizer contains a JavaScript-based Elevation Lookup Utility that has your browser perform the queries. In fact, if you separate a list of distances with commas (e.g., "10mi,20mi,30mi"), you can even draw multiple rings around multiple points. GPS Visualizer will try to overcome this corruption by eliminating "bad" bytes before processing your files. )USERIMG.BIN waypoint files from Furuno GPS units are now supported by GPS Visualizer.Tracklogs (.log files) from Sygic GPS navigation software are now supported by GPS Visualizer.GPS Visualizer can now read GPS .log files from the "mini 0806" dashboard camera (and possibly others in the mini 08xx series).Plain-text track logs (.TXT files) from the LawTraK LawMate GPS logger are now supported.Support has been added for the "gpslog.dat" files generated by the EverPhoto GT-800 & GT-800BT data loggers from Evermore Technology.GPS Visualizer can now read .TRK and .MRK files from Maptech Terrain Navigator.If you need to be able to center a GPS Visualizer map based on the user's current location, the function GV_Geolocate() can do that for you. Many "power-user" functions still need to be tested, however.GPS Visualizer now lets you use background maps from the USDA's .LTB track logs from Pioneer AVIC navigation systems are now supported by GPS Visualizer.Google recently notified the world that version 2 of the Google Maps API might be going away soon. This should be helpful for showing multiple markers in the same location.GPS Visualizer can now read binary .Trk logs from Orion Electronics' "SkyTrack" devices, which are frequently used by law enforcement vehicles.GPS Visualizer can now read plain-text flight logs from Skydemon GPS devices. This may be very helpful for things like The server now includes a database of Canadian postcodes, so looking up codes in Canada should be quite a bit faster now. (Despite the waypoint-like filename suffix, these are actually time-stamped tracklogs.

(2) Flight logs (.txt format) from the Bendix King AV8OR handheld GPS. Have your GPS data replaced with DEM data.