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You feel, my heat (fire) Feel, feel, feel, feel, feel. You sat on a shelf, I feel like a bust. Sorry if I'm being graphic, but I'm stiff as a statue. Maybe I'm just ahead of myself. I'm tryna catch up, I'm tryna' jump your bones to the marrow. Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), known professionally as Eminem (/ˌɛmɪˈnɛm/; often stylized as EMINƎM), is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, record executive, and actor. Written by: Marshall Mathers, Darry McDaniels, Joseph Simmons, Larry Smith, Adam Horovitz, Rick Rubin Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web!Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web!

Lady you remind me of my raps on that Relapse shit. (Wanna take it from the top?) Lady you remind me of my raps on that Relapse shit Cause you got an ass thick as them accents Two ass cheek implants, call that an asset 'Cause you can set a glass on it, it's massive From the first time I saw you I actually "Ain't steppin' to you, bitch," I say to myself Plus she's bumpin' my music, ain't chasin' no tail like a skunk in heat I could sweat her to some degree But f*ck it, I'm the male, let her come to me (Could you repeat … "Heat". 'Cause it just died like food coloring (duh) So let's get turnt like a shish kabab. Cause you got an ass thick as them accents. Let me slow down, slow your Camaro. Two ass cheek implants, call that an asset. Motherfuckin' gloves and a shovel stuck in the mud. 'Cause … I just bodied the beat, so that ho musta been dug. He is consistently cited as one of the greatest and most influential artists of all time in any genre, with Rolling Stone ranking him 83rd on its list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time and labelling him the "King of Hip Hop". Black out, come to, hands covered in blood. Eminem Lyrics. Lyrics to 'Heat' by Eminem. My heat. Wanna wrap you up, put you in a bow like an arrow. Got me under your control and your spell.